
Purpose and Progress

The promotion team is a project group created to provide a central point of communication for the Student Senate and to establish clear guidelines for upcoming student senators to continue sharing and promoting its resources and initiatives. 

The promotion team works collaboratively with all other project groups to: 

The promotion team has developed the following...

A “Toolbox” for future student senators who choose to join the promotion team. This “toolbox” provides guidance on maintaining a social media presence, developing digital tools, planning for in-person and/or virtual events, and communicating effectively. 

Student Senate Toolbox - Website Version.pdf

A presentation that is intended to support all in-person and/or virtual events hosted by the Student Senate for promotional purposes.

Student Senate Promotions "Toolbox" Presentation - Website Version

An Instagram account (@studentsenate2023) that was primarily used to bring awareness to the Student Senate website and the work of the Student Senate. 


The promotion team developed an official Student Senate Instagram page to provide updates about the senate, engage with the student population, and promote current and previous senate projects. They also collaborated with other groups to gather any important updates or surveys, and posted them on instagram to reach a wider audience. 

As of April 27, 2023, our posts have achieved: