Stacey Marianchuk

My name is Stacey Marianchuk and I'm a Success Coach with Edmonton Public Schools.

I was born and raised in Alberta, but I have also had the opportunity to live in Saskatchewan and British Columbia - and while I may miss the beauty and vastness of the mountains - I truly love calling Edmonton ‘home’. Things that I love to do include yoga, biking, watching a good movie, and spending time with my family and a 5 month old puppy.

My educational background is in social work, and I love being able to work in schools, alongside students, families, and educators. Throughout my education and experience, I have felt (and continue to feel) extremely fortunate to have the opportunity to work in various school communities and to get to know so many amazing students and families.

I believe that in life, we have different experiences that prepare us for future challenges and opportunities for success. Different setbacks have occurred in my life, but I wouldn’t be who I am today without those experiences. I have learned about the importance of slowing down and getting perspective when faced with difficult or challenging circumstances, and then making a commitment to tackle one thing at a time.

We navigate many choices in our journey through life, and with each choice we are invited to explore and discover who we are. It can also be important to embrace kindness and patience with ourselves and others, as we maneuver opportunities and choices.

While there may be recurring themes, I think it is important to remember that everyone is different, and their experience of similar circumstances may also be diverse. That being said, it can sometimes be challenging to find balance in our lives, especially as we manage school work, extra-curricular activities, family, friends, and… yes… technology. Learning how to balance multiple and competing tasks can be difficult, so it can be helpful to learn what works for you and reach out for support from friends, family, teachers, etc. when you need - remembering that it's about progress, not perfection.