International Post-Secondary

If you're planning on attending a post-secondary institution outside of Canada, it can often take much more time to complete the application process than if you were to apply within Alberta, let alone Canada. Here are some helpful tips and things to keep in mind.

Applying to International Post-Secondary Institutions

If you’re applying to post-secondary outside of Canada, you probably already have an institution in mind. Considering how the application process may vary, the best solution to this problem would be visiting their respective websites and using your problem-solving-skills to make your way through the application process.

Screenshot of the University of Oxford website with the International Students section identified in the menu

(Copyright: University of Oxford)

TIP: Look on the homepage of the website for words like "Admissions," or "Application" or if you're having more trouble, try to get in touch with an Admissions Counsellor for direct help. Their contact information may be trickier to find, but most sites have a search bar which can be used to solve that issue.

Testing Internationally - The ACT and SAT

Often, universities in the United States and other countries require specific tests like the ACT or the SAT in addition to a transcript from your school to qualify for admission. Click the links below for more information.

These tests must be registered and paid for online. (See links above) They take place on different dates around the year, and it is important to schedule and prepare beforehand.

The differences between the two tests are outlined in this article.

Your scores on these tests can determine your eligibility for certain institutions. Use the PDF below for an estimation of your ranking in most American universities.

Examples of International Post-Secondary Institutions

(Based on,, and 2018)

International Post-Secondary Institutions - Programs

Due to the fact that programs can vastly differ from institution to institution, your best resource would be a staff member like an admissions counsellor to help choose courses and build your schedules.

Budgeting and International Post-Secondary

Studying abroad may sound simple enough, but you have to keep in mind that you’re going to be away from home, possibly for the first time, and you may need to think about how you’re going to manage your finances. You’ll have to consider tuition, other fees, food, transportation, living costs, other necessities, entertainment, and many other factors when planning your education abroad. Here are some tips and helpful budget calculators to give you an idea of what to expect.

Budget Calculators: (MIT) • (Harvard) • (Yale)


  1. Know your budget, stay within it.

  2. Scholarships are more difficult to find for Canadian students desiring to study abroad. Your best choice is to search the institution for scholarships solely for international students.

  3. This PDF is a good resource to help estimate your costs

International Post-Secondary Institutions - Residency

If you’re planning on going to school abroad, you will presumably have to live on campus as a resident, unless you have other special circumstances like family or friends living nearby.

Applying to residency is sometimes included in the application process at the same time as choosing majors, and sending in marks. If not, the website of the post-secondary institution will have a residence page and you should be able to follow it from there.

        • Look for keywords like “Student accommodations”, "Housing", or “Residency

Residency differs from institution to institution and often has different residence packages which contain different meal plans, living quarters, roommate situations, utilities, and prices. These are all categories which are important to think about when applying for residency.

TIP: Some institutions have a residency advisor who can give advice and potentially answer any questions when it comes to registering for residency.

Screenshot of the New York University website's main page

(Copyright: New York University)