University Life

University life is not a singular experience. It’s not a single set of friendships, sports, activities, classes, or opportunities. Rather, university is what you make of it. A chance to explore what you want, and begin to shape your own future.

In this section, you’ll find the profiles of four university students, all of whom have taken their studies in very different directions. We hope that you may find some relevance to your own journey through their experiences.

Catherine Labbe

Catherine Labbe is a second year student at the University of Alberta, enrolled in a double major program of Music and Linguistics. Currently, she plays french horn in the U of A Symphonic Wind Ensemble. Despite her many passions ranging from composing to singing, she manages to stay on top of her busy schedule and workload.

Emma Jones

Emma Jones decided to leave her hometown of Calgary after high school, a decision faced by many, that she looks back upon fondly. She’s now a third-year Political Science student at the University of Alberta, the Executive Director of a non-profit organisation, an editor of a student newspaper, and a competitive debater.

Gabrielle Gelderman

Gabrielle Gelderman has experienced a variety of career and educational paths, pursuing a broad range of opportunities. She initially took a gap year after graduation before enrolling at The King's University, and then studied Sociology at the University of Victoria before returning back to Edmonton to pursue graduate studies and volunteer work.

Ryan Jacques

Ryan Jacques is a talented student athlete, and has joined the U of A Golden Bears Varsity Curling team in his first year majoring in Computer Science. He balances this with many other passions and activities, including playing the piano at a high level and teaching others to do the same.