Information Kits

Photo by George Dolgikh (

Student Relationships (2024)

Workshop: Student Engagement

Anti-discrimination (2022)

Package: Elementary Anti-discrimination

Anti-discrimination (2022)

Workshop: Responding to Racism

Anti-discrimination (2022)

Workshop: Addressing Racial Prejudice

Life Transitions (2019)

Mini-site: Life After High School

Media Initiatives

Photo by George Milton (

Mental Wellness and Body Image (2024)

Podcast: Senate Speaks

Mental Wellness/Life Transitions (2023)

Podcast: High School Navigation Guide

Mental Wellness/Life Transitions (2023)

Panel: Mental Health in the Transition to Post-Secondary

Mental Wellness (2022)

Resource List: Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness (2022)

Video: Mental Wellness

Amplifying Voices (2021)

Podcast: Senate Speaks

Amplifying Voices (2021)

Magazine: Our Authentic Voices

Outreach Tools

Photo by Pixabay (

Clubs and Extracurricular Activities (2024)

Conference: Club Summit

Safe Use of Technology (2024)

Brochure: Supporting Students with Tech Tools

Mental Wellness/Life Transitions (2023)

Brochure: Life After High School

Mental Wellness (2022)

Blog: Addressing Mental Health

"By Students, For Students"

Every year Student Senators from across the Division create resources based on feedback we hear from students at our schools.

Many of these resources are publicly available so even if you're not an Edmonton Public Schools student, you can still make use of them.

Senate has you covered across a long list of topics from anti-discrimination to mental wellness to preparing for life's many transitions.

Representing the Division's more than 200 schools, Student Senators work with the Board of Trustees and Administration to discuss ideas and concerns about education, share their perspectives and propose solutions to current challenges. Visit for more information.

Site Content Creation and Attribution

All content on this site has been developed and curated by Student Senators. All primary sources have been identified and, where possible, linked. Images used in the headers and buttons have been retrieved from or are stock Google Sites images.