Ravin Lewis

My name is Ravin Lewis, and I’m currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree at Grant MacEwan University. I’m 19 years old and I work at Marshall’s in a part time position. A setback that I’ve recently encountered is learning of a benign tumour I have. It caused a lot of problems, and forced me to miss multiple days of school and work. Any type of serious medical diagnosis is scary, but I’ve learned the only way to really come to terms with it is to just accept it for what it is, and take every preventative and cautionary step reasonable to us, and hold a positive attitude. Thinking about the negative only brings negative results. I think a defining choice everyone faces is in their approach to life and thinking about everything it throws at you either positively or negatively. In response to a difficult decision, we must choose between constantly thinking of the bad things that are--or could be--happening, and choosing to approach things with a positive, open mind to allow whatever is to happen to happen, and accept things as they may be, while putting in our best and most effort.