Fitness Can Improve Your Mental Health

by Carter V.

Did you know that fitness is one of the best and fastest ways to get into shape? It’s true because other things, like weight loss pills or zero sugar drinks, are not natural for your body. It could be “healthier” than the same drink with sugar in it, but what the companies don’t say is that they put a whole bunch of artificial sweeteners and chemicals to make up for the sugar in the drink.This doesn’t help your body at all because, to help your body grow and change shape, you do need to eat some sugar. Fitness is the better option to improve your mental health, improve sports performance, and help you shape your body to the way that you want.

Fitness and exercise can help improve your mental health, including anxiety and depression, helping you stay motivated, and changing your mood. Anxiety is very abundant for many people in today’s world. Currently, it’s a lot more common than people realize because most have either experienced it or have it regularly. The reason why fitness can help with this is because fitness has been proven by Micheal Otto, a professor of psychology at Boston University, saying that it only takes about 5 minutes for your mood to change when you are doing some sort of exercise. Otto also did a study on anxiety and the flight or fight reaction. He took 60 volunteers with heightened sensitivity to anxiety and made them go through a two week exercise program. The participants had significant improvements with lessened anxiety sensitivity.

Motivation is a huge thing to have because it can help you get the extra mile during a workout or exercise. It can give you the urge to keep going everyday because you are finding something to look forward to such as meeting a certain goal or losing weight. Goals can be extremely helpful to help you get motivated because it gives you something to look forward to.

According to Mayo Clinic, to help stay motivated for fitness training, you should consider setting goals, make whatever you are doing fun, make physical activity a daily part of your life, track your results, workout with friends and family, reward yourself and be flexible. The goals that you want to make should be small goals that can be accomplished fairly quickly so you don’t lose interest becoming complacent because you think you will never reach the goal and quit. To learn more about setting goals, visit this website.

For me, I make small goals that I achieve every month because I feel like I can grow every time I do some sort of exercise. I do exercises like running, weight training, and spriting because I like to get the benefit of understanding every sort of exercise so I can be in the best well rounded shape possible for my sports. I think goals can be the thing that can make you exceptional because not only does it motivate you to keep going, but it helps you to have a fun time doing it because making a goal is about making your life better and can benefit you in one way or another down the road.

Mental health is one really in-depth topic, but I know that it is also very important to have a good mindset. Going back to what Micheal Otto said, he said that after about 5 minutes of exercise, your emotions change in a positive way and can give you an entirely different mood. He did another study showing that not only can exercise increase your mood, but it can also alleviate long-term depression. This can be very helpful for some people because they could be looking for a way out of the depression. Even if you don’t do that much exercise at first, it can still do a whole lot for your mental state and the way you act. Now that you understand how it can help your mental health, let’s talk about why fitness can help your diet and shape your body.

Another thing that fitness can improve upon is your diet and can help shape your body the way you want it to. Fitness helps because it can help you lose or maintain weight, it can help you gain muscles and endurance, and can help you stay in aerobic respiration rather than anaerobic respiration. Aerobic exercises are more endurance typed exercises, like cardio workouts and agility exercises. That helps you build endurance and stamina, which can make your breathing a lot more controlled to be able to run farther in less time.

On the other hand, anaerobic respiration is meant more for building different muscle groups and helps gain mass and become stronger. During anaerobic exercises, your body has to get to a point where you can’t be able to do another rep of that exercise. It makes you very exhausted because you are lifting things your body can’t handle. You have to do this in order to gain muscle mass. When doing a weight lift, you are actually making microscopic rips in that muscle you are working to make it swell. It’s your job after the workout to get protein and water in your system to help restore the muscle and stay at the swelled size rather than going back to the original size. That’s why diet is also very important in weight based fitness. You are getting the essential needs for your body to help your body maintain muscle.

In my weight based workouts, I try and make sure that I do the exercise the right way and that I make sure that each repetition that I do can help tear that muscle so I can gain size and strength. It doesn’t have to be much weight either, it can be more repetition based if you truly want it to be. Also if you are trying to start a plan on what to do for a good exercise you can start off with doing a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercises like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, mile runs, and so much more. Make sure you maintain a healthy diet or you won’t see your results as fast.

So the main goal of working out is to gain muscle mass and endurance, right? We all know that the purpose of working out is to build off of what we already have. Some key things to help improve your results faster is to work on compound/multiple joint movements over isolation movements. The main difference between them is that compound movements require more muscles to do that exercise, while isolation exercises require one muscle group to perform that exercise. Doing more compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, and bench press can not only make you stronger, but can also help the smaller muscles that are also important to build as well. Another thing that can help improve your results faster is to keep mixing up your workouts because that teaches your body to be able to control whatever you throw at it. It is also to make sure you get a good amount of rest for the muscle groups that you were working. So if you focus on about 2-3 different muscle groups during a workout and have 3 different workouts available to you, you could be able to do those 3 different workouts twice a week and that can give you good rest until you do that muscle group again. After learning about body shaping, fitness can also help you perform better in your sports.

My last reason why fitness is so important is because it can improve how well you can do in your sports. Fitness can improve your sports because it can help you perform at your very best and give you the confidence you need in the sport you are performing. Being in optimal shape can vary on how long it can take due to how fast your body can change. For instance, it will take longer for a man to lose weight than to gain. This could mean the man has a low metabolism and can gain weight faster than the people around him, but this is just one out of the many ways that could happen. Top shape means that you are at the peak of what your body can handle. So that means you can’t get any stronger and all you can do is maintain that muscle and athleticism. It can take a very long time for you to reach your peak and most people don’t reach it at all because it takes a lot of time and effort out of you.

Most sports players are at this “building muscle and endurance” stage in either their career or lifestyle. It doesn’t matter how old, young, slim, or heavy you are, everyone has to go through this in order to create a liking for fitness or if wanting to perform better in your sport. Creating a liking for getting better at something can also improve your motivation to keep going. Sports might not be the main thing on your mind all the time, but even if you do play a sport you should try and consider getting better at it outside of practice. This is just like school, because you can’t just take the test right away and expect to get a 100% on it, you have to work for the A and memorize the material to be able to comprehend it and remember it for the test.

What I try and do is to create a plan for what to practice at home and what workouts to do. I personally keep a weekly schedule in my room of all of the things that I need to do in a day so I either don’t forget or just not do them at all. I make sure that I have enough time to still have free time to do whatever I want, but that comes as my reward for getting everything done in a day. One example I have is that I normally have a workout either planned for upper body or lower body and some sort of baseball practice like hitting or throwing. I then do those two things after school and then go off to my homework which is the last thing I normally do in a night. That’s also an example of setting a small goal everyday. It gives me motivation for the next day, and it also ties into confidence.

Confidence is a great thing to have as you go through life and also your sports. Confidence can improve your energy and keep you happy throughout the day. The only reason why people lose confidence is because they are nervous and don’t know what to do in the situation or they are not enjoying what they are doing. One of the most important things in life is to have fun, right? At least I do because the more you enjoy the thing you are doing, then the more you do it and the better you get.

This can go with anything in life. For instance, if you go into a job interview wanting to get hired because you are very interested in what services they offer, you will do better at the interview than the person that just wants to get hired for money.

Enjoying an activity like a sport can help shape your body and increase mental health because you aren’t thinking about the result, you are thinking about the process of what you are doing. Thinking of the result is like setting a goal because you are thinking about the future. That can work to build confidence but there can be little bumps and troubles you will run into. Thinking about the process can help you be successful in those little bumps because you aren’t thinking about the big picture. That’s why setting small goals can help you be successful during your fitness journey.

Fitness can lead to so many amazing things like developing good mental health, helping shape your body, and improving sports performance. I’ve made fitness a big part of my life because it helps me create new hobbies and has helped me become the person I am today. Hopefully by reading through this it can give you a better understanding of why fitness is not only important in one’s life, but also that it can become a stress reliever, motivation towards new goals, and give you lots of confidence towards other activities in life. Be who you truly dream to be.