Benefits of Eating Healthier

by Madisyn M.

Have you ever opened up your fridge to only see gross green foods, and then just decided to eat nothing? Well, maybe after reading this article, your mind will have changed, and you will be more willing to try some healthier foods.

People should try eating healthier because eating healthier provides many health benefits. It can help you lose weight, and it also improves your overall lifestyle. I know sometimes making the healthier choice can be hard, and we all deserve a sweet treat sometimes, but it is important to be mindful of what we are putting into our bodies.

Health Benefits to Eating Healthier

Eating healthier can prevent many diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even some types of cancers. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in both men and women. According to Lawrence Robinson, who writes for Healthy Eating help guide, “Fiber can help lower risks for heart disease.” If something as simple as adding one thing to your diet can help prevent something as serious as heart disease, we should be able to make the change. If eating healthy can lower those death numbers, then we should take that opportunity.

When people start to eat healthier, it is often that they start to lose weight. Being overweight is the number one cause of stroke. Diabetes is caused by high blood pressure, which is caused by being overweight. All the health problems I just stated can be easily prevented with a healthier diet.

Not only does eating healthier prevent health diseases, it can also prevent certain types of cancers. It is proven that eating healthier can prevent your risk of some cancers by 70 percent, and would help your recovery if you had cancer. Scientists have studied that if you eat certain healthy foods, they can fight cancer by blocking blood vessels that feed in the cancer process.

Eating Healthy Helps With Weight Loss

Eating more real, fresh foods help you lose more calories than eating processed foods, which are most likely considered unhealthy. According to Everyday Health, “Processed and refined foods are stripped of fiber, vitamins, and minerals which cause those things to be replaced by preservatives, which make them unhealthy.” When eating real foods, you are taking in fewer calories than if you were to eat processed foods. If your goal is to lose weight, then you are going to want to eat foods with fewer calories, and since healthier foods have less calories, you would want to be eating healthier foods.

Yes, a workout plan may be a part of your weight loss journey, but eating healthy has been proven to help you lose more weight than exercising. It is easier to take in fewer calories, than have to burn off the extra calories that you eat.

In an article written by Lisa Linck, she states that, “In adults ages 20 years and older, 34.2 percent are overweight, 33.8 percent are obese, and 5.7 percent extremely obese.” She also says, “Poor eating habits and lack of physical activity are the major contributing factors to overweight and obesity in the U.S.”

How Eating Healthier Can Improve Your Lifestyle

Most people in this day and age lose sleep due to stress, anxiety, and many other things. Eating healthier is one simple thing you can do to improve your sleep. Sleep apnea is a main cause of sleep loss in adults, which is caused when the airways get blocked during sleep, due to obesity, drinking alcohol, and eating unhealthy food. By just getting a better diet, you can get a better night's rest, and have more energy the next day.

Eating healthy also plays a big role in keeping your bones and teeth strong. A diet with calcium and magnesium is important for your bones and teeth. Keeping your bones strong when you are young is important for you later in life. Magnesium is found a lot in leafy greens such as broccoli, cabbage, and also things like cauliflower, and even tofu.

Memory loss is a common thing in this day and age, and can be improved by a healthier diet. It has been proven that eating healthier can improve your memory. Nutrients and foods high in vitamin D, C, and E, are some of the nutrients that help improve your memory. Those nutrients protect against cognitive decline and dementia.

Eating healthier can also benefit your mood because you won’t have to feel guilty for what you eat. When eating healthier, you are able to eat more of the healthy food, whereas if you were eating unhealthy foods, you wouldn’t be able to eat as much for the same calorie intake. When you aren’t feeling guilty, or bad about what you ate, you are also going to be in a better mood, and feel better about yourself.

In conclusion, I think that more people should try to start eating healthier. Eating healthier benefits your health, can help you lose weight, and improves your overall lifestyle. More people eating healthier could make a difference in our world. There are so many personal benefits, as well as social benefits to eating healthier. I think everyone should at least give it a shot, and see what is right for them and their lifestyle.