"Research Presentations to Contribute to the SDGs" in Chikaho

参加者募集中!  Call for participants!
応募期限:10月31日(木) Application deadline: Thursday, October 31

北海道大学に在籍する博士(後期)課程学生が、自身の研究の成果を活用して SDGs に貢献する取組について、1 枚のポスター及びショート動画にまとめて発表します。学会や研究会での発表とは異なり、自身の研究成果の社会実装等により SDGs に貢献することに主眼を置き、市民や他分野の学生にも理解できるようなポスター及び動画を作成し、わかりやすく説明することが求められます。また、学生にとっても、一般市民の方へ自身の研究について分かりやすく伝えるという、普段経験することのできない貴重なアウトリーチの場であり、プレゼン能力の向上を期待しています。優れた発表には、「最優秀賞」、「優秀賞」、「SDGs 賞」が授与されます。

Doctoral students at Hokkaido University will give poster and short video presentation on their efforts to apply their research findings to the SDGs. Unlike presentations at academic conferences and research meetings, these presentations will focus on contributing to the SDGs by putting the results of their research into practice in society.
In additon, students are expected to create a poster that can be understood by the general public as well as students in other fields and to communicate their ideas clearly and effectively. This is also a valuable outreach opportunity for students to explain their research to the general public in an easy-to-understand manner, something they would not normally be able to experience, and they are expected to improve their presentation skills. The "Grand Prize," "Excellence Award," and "SDGs Award" will be given to outstanding presentations.



For EXEX Doctoral Fellowship students:

By participating in this project, you will be awarded one point as the Co-Ceation Education Program, which is one of the Compulsory Elective Programs required to take for the EXEX Doctoral Fellowship (Once you have submitted the poster and video, please input the point into the portfolio system by yourself and submit an application for Recognition of Completion of the Compulsory Elective Program.). If you wish to earn points, you must participate for a minimum of 5 hours on both days combined.

Application Guideline

1.応募資格・人数 Eligibility and Number of Participants






Eligibility: All doctoral students enrolled in Hokkaido University

Students who have been selected for the AMBITIOUS Doctoral Fellowship (SDGs) are must participate unless there is a special reason not to, as it will be regarded as an achievement for the current academic year and evaluated highly in the review for the continuation of funding for the next year.

※There is no limit to the number of participants. However, if there is a large number of applicants, we may conduct an internal selection process due to display space constraints.

※All participated posters will be compiled and distributed in a booklet or other format.

※Prior to your submission, please consult with your academic supervisor about your intention to apply for this presentation, how to disclose your research data and other related necessary mmatters, and obtain their approval.

2.展示会場(予定)Exhibition Venue (Tentative)


ホームページ: https://www.sapporo- chikamichi.jp/



Sapporo Ekimae-dori Underground Community Space (commonly known as "Chikaho")

Website : https://www.sapporo- chikamichi.jp/

※The exhibition venue will be determined according to the number of applicants and announced as soon as the venue is confirmed.

※It is also planned to exhibit at "ECO-PRO 2024" (Venue: Tokyo Big Sight), held from December 4 (Wed.) to 6 (Fri.), 2024. Selection may be conducted in case of a large number of interested participants due to exhibition space constraints.

3.内容・日程 Details・Schedule





12 月 14 日(土)及び15日(日)両日とも10:00~17:00(終了しました)




Please submit both one page of poster and a short video summarizing your own research.

Posters will be displayed at the exhibition venue, then please give presentation/explain your research to visitors next to your poster display.  It is not stipulated when should be at the venue, please find suitable time not to interrupt your regular research. Videos will be posted on special website, and a QR-code of the site will be available at the exhibition venue and on a brochure.

Please refer "6. How to Apply" for how to make poster and video and submission.

Schedule of the exhibition days (Tentative)

December 14(Sat.), and December 15 (Sun.), 10:00-17:00 on both days

※Visitors can vote for a poster they think the best, and the voting hours are same dates and times above. 

※Announcement of the result of the voting and holding the award ceremony will be informed at a later date. 

※If you wish to earn points as a co-creation education program, which is an elective requirement for the EXEX Doctoral Fellowship, you must attend a minimum of 5 hours for the two days combined.

4.審査・表彰等 Evaluation and Awarding


審査対象:最優秀賞、優秀賞、SDGs 賞
・審査項目:下記1)の①~③及び SDGs に関する4つの観点を5点満点で評価

審査対象:SDGs 賞
審査項目:SDGs に関する4つの観点ごとに最も優れていると思った作品1つに投票

※SDGs 賞の審査は、学内外の審査員と来場者の評価点について、合計点数に占める割合が1:1の割合となるように換算した上で行います。

1)「最優秀賞」及び「優秀賞」の審査は、①研究内容のクオリティ・オリジナリティ(独創性)、②ポスターのデザイン、③ポスターの内容のわかりやすさの総合評価に加え、④「SDGs 賞」に係る評価点を加えて評価します。

また、「SDGs 賞」は SDGs に関する下記の観点のみを評価し、決定します。
「ユニーク性・先進性」…… 創造豊かな発想や新たな価値があるか
「社会的インパクト」 …… 社会に及ぼす影響や波及効果を期待できるか
「実現可能性」 …… アイデア実現ための実績や計画、熱意が十分にあるか
「異分野協働」 …… 多様な分野との協働によって生まれるものであるか


最優秀賞 :10 万円

Awards will be given winners voted by the visitors at the exhibition venue and evaluated by adjudicates from Hokkaido University and other institutions.

○Awards selected by the adjudicates
・Awards : Grand Prize, Excellence Award, SDGs Award
・Points of evaluation : Evaluate from the perspective of the listed below 1)①~③ and the four criteria listed below 1) regarding the SDGs on a 5-point scale

○Awards selected by the visitors
・Awards : SDGs Award
・Points of evaluation : Vote for the one they think the best from the perspective of the listed below 1) four criteria regarding the SDGs
※The SDG Awards will be selected as the evaluation score both adjudicates and visitors will be converted to 1:1 ratio in the total score.

1)The “Grand Prize” and “Excellence Awards” will be selected by overall evaluation from the perspective of ①quality and originality of the research ②design of the poster ③understandability of the poster contents, and ④evaluation points for the “SDGs Awards”.

The “SDGs Awards” will be selected based solely on the following four aspects.
“Uniqueness and progressiveness” …… Are there creative ideas and new values?
“Social impact” …… Can expect having impact and ripple effects on society?
“Feasibility” …… Are there sufficient experiences, plans and enthusiasm to realize the idea?
“Interdisciplinary Collaboration” …… Is it created through interdisciplinary collaboration?

2)Certificate of commendation and supplementary award (prize money)will be given to the award winners. Participation award will be given to all participants. Details of the supplementary award are as follows.

Grand Prize: 100,000 yen
Excellence Award: 50,000 yen
SDGs Award: 50,000 yen

5.発表時の注意事項 Points to Note at the Exhibition Venue

1)発表時は作成したポスター1 枚のみで説明していただきます。

2)発表会当日の 2 日間、自分のポスター発表の内容を来場者に説明するため、可能な範囲で展示会場に来場し、自身のポスターの横で来場者からの質問等に答えてください。

1) When you give presentation/explain your research to visitors at the exhibition venue, you can use only your poster but not with other materials.

2) Participants are encouraged to be presence at the venue as long as time allows during two exhibition days next to your poster and answer to questions from visitors.

6.申込方法 How to Apply



【Deadline of application】 October 31 (Thu.), 2024 

Please make sure to obtain approval from your academic advisor in advance application. Students who are interested in participating in the “Research Presentations to Contribute to the SDGs” required to submit a poster and video summarizing your research and agree that your poster and video will be posted on special website and open to the public.

1)データの提出 Poster and Video Submission


Details how to make a poster and video and submission form are available on the following page.


Note : If you would like to participate in the “Research Presentations to Contribute to the SDGs”, in addition to submit your poster and video, you also need to register through the following registration form.
Please be informed that submitted posters and videos will be posted on special website and open to the public regardless of whether you participate in the “Research Presentations to Contribute to the SDGs”.

  Registration for the “Research Presentations to Contribute to the SDGs”


Please register once you have submitted your poster and video.

Looking forward to your participation!