
Study Status Report/Research Log

隔月の修学状況報告書・研究日誌(研究業績) / Bimonthly Study Status Report and Research Log (Research Achievements)


Study Status Report: Regularly required document during the support period (to be submitted by the last day of odd-numbered months, i.e., May, July, September, November, January and March. Please describe the status of your studies and research activities for the previous and current months.


Study Status Report is to be submitted to the portfolio system.  ID and password have already been notified to your ELMS email address. Please contact us using the inquiry form if you have not received the email.

ポートフォリオシステムURL/Portfolio system URL: https://dxpfsystem.grad.hokudai.ac.jp/dxpfsystem/


Regarding the Contents of Study Status Report


◆Research Log: Please make sure to enter your achievements on a daily basis in "Research Achievements" of the Research Log on the portfolio system and confirm that your achievements for the relevant months have been entered when you submit the Study Status Report.

ポートフォリオマニュアル/Manual for Portfolio System:日本語版/English ver.

.受給資格審査/ Application for Eligibility Screening



Application for Eligibility Screening that was mandatory until March 2024 will be discontinued for this fellowship. However, eligibility for the next academic year will be assessed based on the submission status and content of Study Status Reports submitted for the past year. Therefore, please be sure to submit your reports without delay.

*Please note that former Ambitious Doctoral Fellowship students (who started to receive the fellowship before April 2023) will still need to submit the annual report (Research Activity Report) at the end of each academic year.

(旧アンビシャス博士人材フェローシップ生※令和6年3月以前採用者)年間報告書(研究活動状況等報告書/ Annual Report (Research Activity Report)



In this fellowship, eligibility for the next academic year will be assessed based on the submission status and content of Study Status Reports submitted for the past year, however, the former Ambitious Doctoral Fellowship students who have been fellowship students before April 2024 will still need to submit the annual report (Research Activity Report) at the end of each academic year. We will inform you separately on how to submit it.