2Paint a Picture

In computing, we are using 2 Paint a Picture on Purple Mash to create some different styles of art. Can you work out which artists we have used for inspiration?

Remember, Remember...

This week we have been finding out about the story of the Gunpowder Plot and how Guy Fawkes and his friends tried to blow up the King in the Houses of Parliament! We now know why we have fireworks each year so created some wonderful firework art - we watched a display on YouTube and looked at patterns and colours before creating pictures on Purple Mash and using scratch art techniques!

In maths this week, we have been learning all about subtraction! We collected items outside and figured out what happened when we were faced with a subtraction number sentence!


Florence Nightingale Day!

Year 2 had so much fun on Florence Nightingale day!

First we had to get Florence ready for her trip to Scutari Hospital! We made lots of things to take with us such as a card to send home, an application letter for the hospital (read by Ms Nightingale herself!) and even a sash to wear while we're working!

After break we unpacked lots of suitcases to find out who they belonged to! There were lots of interesting things to find in the suitcases! After lunch we had been transported to Scutari Hospital where we had injured soldiers to care for and lots of cooking and cleaning to do! It was very hard work but very enjoyable too!

Christmas Dinner

We had such a wonderful Christmas Dinner yesterday - it was a glorious meal and it made us feel in the Christmas spirit! Thank you to our amazing kitchen staff for their hard work!


We loved having a yoga instructor come to teach us! We learnt the 12 days of Christmas Yoga moves!

Christmas Puppet Making

Christmas Angels

Christmas Puppet Making

The year 2 team would like to thank you for all your kind words and gifts that we have received over the last week. We really are very grateful!

We wish you and your families a healthy and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Love from,

Miss Mills, Mrs Vinnicombe, Mrs Calvert, Mrs Lockhart, Mrs Hardy and Mrs Sargent.