Place Value

Place Value

Place Value refers to the value we give to a digit based on its position in a number. For example, the 5 in 352 is in the tens column, so it is worth fifty rather than five. The 3 is in the hundreds column, so it is worth three hundred.

Place Value is a huge topic and there are many skills for students to learn, including recognising, modelling, reading, writing, comparing and ordering numbers.

Developing a really strong sense of the numbers 1-20 is a key skill. Can the student say all of the ways to make 18? (ie. 14 and 4, 12 and 6, 17 and 1... etc.). Do they know one more/ one less and ten more/ten less?

See below for an explanation video, online teaching and learning tools, and an image carousel of some of the Place Value games we play at MPRPS.

Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers.