
Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

Upon completion of this lesson, students and educators will have a knowledge and understanding of Online/E-Learning including:

  • Defining benefits of E-Learning

  • Recognise different blends of learning including face to face and online

  • Summarise types of blends

  • Explain advantages and challenges of online and blended learning

  • Recognise appropriate online netiquette within the classroom


Watch this video on the benefits of E-Learning.

As a group view the slides below and discuss the advantages of blended learning verses the disadvantages of blended learning.

Blended Learning

Watch this video on appropriate online netiquette within the classroom.

Complete the cloze activity on appropriate online netiquette.

Educators only section

Pedagogy can be defined as the art of teaching. It refers to strategies, methods and styles of instruction. Our teaching strategies have changed to engage learners and scaffold them to become more independent learners. As a practitioner it is important to consider pedagogies that inform the design and development of online learning spaces and activities. The principles of learning do not change significantly. Pedagogies may be characterised in a variety of ways and may emphasise different aspects of learning. However, they all share a common conception of learning as an active process.

Watch this video and reflect on three key pedagogies.