Digital Identity

QQI Level 3

Computer Literacy

Learning Outcome:

4. Describe information security considerations including password protection, viruses, and provision of personal details.

Digital Badge in Digital Citizenship

Learning Intentions:

They will develop an understanding of the nature of Digital Identity and how to implement security practices to protect their online personal data by understanding what is meant by Social Media, the Nature of Privacy, Cybercrime; Identity theft; Spam, Phishing and Malware; Passwords; Posting online; Online safety and Profiles.

Digital Media Literacy Junior Cycle

Strand 1: My digital world

My digital life

Respectful and Responsible use

1.5 discuss their personal safety concerns when using digital technologies, communication tools and the internet.

1.7 describe appropriate responses to potentially harmful situations.

Strand 4: Publishing myself

Social media and me

4.1 outline the opportunities and risks presented by young people’s use of social networks.

4.4 demonstrate how best to share personal information, express opinions and emotions online in a responsible and respectful manner.