Lesson 3: Online Safety Tips & Consumer Rights

Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

Lesson 3:

  • Watch video on Online Shopping Advice

  • Identify and discuss safety tips

  • Research websites and review trust scores and star ratings

  • Select a secure internet connection

  • Review anti-virus software and password protection

  • Discuss the rights of an online consumer (EU and exceptions), watch video on these rights

  • Check knowledge on online shopping - student complete quiz

Lesson Plan, Presentation, Handout

Lesson Plan

Digital Consumerism Lesson Plan 3

Student Handout

Student Handout - Shopping Online Safety

Slides for Lesson 3

Online Shopping Lesson 3

Videos To Watch During Lesson

Online Shopping Advice

(Slide 2 in Presentation)

Online Consumer Rights

(Slide 10 in Presentation)

Student Activities

Visit trustpilot.ie and check the reviews and star ratings of the following websites:

  • Soundstore

  • Ticketmaster

  • Loveholidays

Discussion on which company scored highest overall star rating. (Slide 5)

Online Shopping Quiz

Online Shopping Quiz link will be given to students to complete outside of class and return online to teacher.