Lesson 5: Consumer Behaviour & Influencing Opinions

Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

Lesson 5:

  • Watch video on Consumer Shopping Behaviour online

  • Discuss CSO Statistics on Online Purchases made

  • Discuss effect of Covid-19 on Online Shopping, identify which items increased / decreased in sales online, evaluate reasons for this

  • Interpret CSO findings

  • Exploring influences on online shopping

  • Factors that influence online shoppers

  • Factors that influence online shopping behaviour of consumers

  • Analyze Customer Online Shopping Behaviours

  • Watch video on the Power of Social Media Influencers

  • Research and create a list of social media influencers

  • List influencer marketing statistics

  • Watch video on Covid-19’s impact on shopping

Lesson Plan, Presentation, Handout

Lesson Plan

Digital Consumerism Lesson Plan 5

Student Handout

Student Hanout - Influencing Factors

Slides for Lesson 5

Online Shopping Lesson 5

Videos To Watch During / After Lesson

Consumer Shopping Behaviour (Online)

(Slide 2 in Presentation)

The Power of Social Media Influencers

(Slide 12 in Presentation)

Covid-19 Impact

(Post in Google Classroom)

Student Activities

Think/Pair/Share Activity:

Split class into groups of 2 to answer the following questions:

  • Which online purchases do you think increased / decreased?

  • Why do you believe the sale of certain items increased / decreased?

One person from group report back to rest of the class (Slide 4)

Teacher will then show slide 5

CSO statistics showing individuals who used the internet classified by the types of purchases made online - January and March 2020.

Teacher Activity: Create a menti.com question in advance of class, asking What influences you to shop online? (Slide 8)

Student Activity: Log onto menti.com, use the code given by the teacher and submit answers to the question.

Teacher will then show all the answers on screen.

Have discussion with the class about the influences given, and compare answers to Slide 9 (Influences).

Discuss Customer Online Shopping Behaviours (Trends in 2020)

(Slide 11)

Student Activity

List 3 Social Media Influencers that you are aware of, what they promote, and how many followers they have. Students can use various platforms to research this. (Slide 14)

Slide 15 - Teacher to show examples of some social media influencers.