Lesson 4: Benefits & Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

Lesson 4:

  • Students suggest benefits of online shopping

  • Students suggest disadvantages of online shopping

  • Discuss various advantages and disadvantages

  • Identify and list items suitable for online purchase

  • Identify and list items not suitable for online purchase

  • Watch videos on advantages and disadvantages of online shopping

Lesson Plan, Presentation, Handout

Lesson Plan

Digital Consumerism Lesson Plan 4

Student Handout

Student Handout - Advantages & Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Slides for Lesson 4

Online Shopping Lesson 4

Videos To Watch During Lesson


(Slide 8 in Presentation)


(Slide 8 in Presentation)

Student Activities

Teacher Activity: Create a menti.com question in advance of class, asking what are the advantages of online shopping?

Student Activity: Log onto menti.com, use the code given by the teacher and submit an answer to the question. (Slide 2)

Teacher will then show all the answers on screen.

Have discussion with the class about the advantages given, and compare answers to Slide 4 (Benefits).

Teacher Activity: Create a menti.com question in advance of class, asking what are the disadvantages of online shopping?

Student Activity: Again using menti.com, submit an answer to the question. (Slide 3)

Teacher will then show all the answers on screen.

Have discussion with the class about the disadvantages given, and compare answers to Slide 5 (Disadvantages)

Think/Pair/Share Activity (Slide 6)

Divide class into groups of 2. Ask each pair to come up with 3 items that would be suitable to buy online and 3 items that would be better being bought in person.

One student from each pair will report back to the rest of the class and share their lists.