Digital Rights

QQI Level 3

Computer Literacy

Learning outcome:

4.. Describe information security considerations including password protection, viruses, and provision of personal details.

Digital Badge in Digital Citizenship

Learning Intentions:

Upon completion of this lesson, students will have a knowledge and understanding of their online rights and the protection of their data including GDPR. They will be able to determine if GDPR principles are being adhered to. Protection including GDPR and they will be able to determine if GDPR principles are being adhered to.

Digital Media Literacy Junior Cycle

Strand 4: Publishing myself

Social media and me

4.2 document young people’s online rights – the right to information, free expression, protection of minors, and the role of parents, governments and civil society in enforcing their rights

4.3 discuss the concept of privacy and its application by young people on social networks.

Strand 1 My Digital World

My digital life

1.6 create a charter of online rights and responsibilities for the class.