Digital Sources of Information

QQI Level 3

Computer Literacy

Learning Outcome

4. Describe information security considerations including password protection, viruses, and provision of personal details

Digital Badge in Digital Citizenship

Learning Intentions:

  • recognise the importance of giving credit to the creator for any work they use.

  • Understand key terms of Copyright, Referencing, Plagiarism, Creator, Public Domain, Fair use.

  • identify what constitutes as plagiarism, how to avoid plagiarism, examples of infringement cases and the outcomes of such cases.

Digital Media Literacy Junior Cycle

Strand 1: My digital world

My digital life

1.4 demonstrate an understanding of respectful use of digital media texts including concepts of copyright, fair use, plagiarism and intellectual property ownership.

Strand 2: Following my interests online

What is digital content?

2.1 analyse the characteristics of digital media texts which make them different from analogue media texts.

2.2 demonstrate how digital media texts are published on the internet Searching and evaluating

2.3 search the internet to gather information on a specific topic of interest.

2.4 compare information from various sources in order to evaluate its reliability,

validity, accuracy, authority, and timeliness Expressing through digital images.

2.6 present examples where image and video manipulation has been used in the media

2.7 represent information about a topic that is relevant to their lives in graphic format.

Strand 4: Publishing myself

Social media and me

Following my passion

4.5 publish an item online presenting their views on a subject or topic that is relevant to their lives.

4.6 demonstrate an appropriate method for citing and referencing online-sourced material accurately

4.7 document the planning and research history of the published work.