Digital Citizenship

Our Vision

To inspire all students, adult learners and staff of Donegal ETB to effectively engage and use digital technology and communication tools to become responsible and respectful Digital Citizens and participate effectively in social and community life both on and offline.

This vision inspired the formation of a Community of Practice, a group of like minded enthusiastic professionals, whose aim was to create content in Digital Citizenship, that can be delivered either as nine stand alone topics (listed below), or collectively as part of an accredited award.

What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital citizenship defined: "A digital citizen is someone who, through the development of a broad range of competences, is able to actively, positively and responsibly engage in both on and offline communities, whether local, national or global." Digital Citizenship Educational Handbook

Digital Citizenship Topics

Digital Access describes how we access and use digital technologies to participate and communicate in a digital society.

This section looks at:


Your Digital Footprint

Impact on Everyday Life

Digital Identity is any personal data existing online that can be traced back and identify you. Knowing how to protect our identity online is vital.

This section looks at

Cyber Crime

Identity Theft

Spam, Phishing & Malware Passwords


Posting Online

Online Safety


Internet Addiction

Digital Rights is having the right and the freedom to use all types of digital technology but to use it in a responsible way that respects the rights of others while also remembering that everyone has the right to privacy and free expression.

This section looks at:

Digital Rights

Digital Etiquette explores what is acceptable behavior in an online social environment.

This section looks at:


Staying Safe Online.

Digital Sources of Information raises an awareness of the respectful use of digital media that is accessed online and how it is our personal responsibility to give credit to the creators of any material that is accessed.

This sections look at:

Introduction to Copyright

Fair Use

Copyright and Plagiarism


Harvard Referencing

Fake news

Digital Health and Wellness considers the health and personal hygiene when working within an ICT environment, at home, work or in a learning environment.It also raise the concepts of ethics and empathy and encourages personal reflection on online behaviours.

This sections look at:

Health and personal hygiene when working with computers

Ethics and Empathy

Online/eLearning outlines how Information Technology affects everyday life and how it can be used to enhance teaching and learning and considers if there are any disadvantages to eLearning.

This sections look at:


Engaging Online.

Principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Digital Consumerism explores how Information Technology affects everyday life in the sphere of e-commerce and online shopping.

It offers online shopping advice safety tips, including online payment.

There are five lessons:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Online Shopping

Lesson 2: Online Payment Security and Options

Lesson 3: Online Safety Tips & Consumer Rights

Lesson 4: Benefits & Disadvantages of Online Shopping

Lesson 5: Consumer Behaviour & Influencing Opinions

eDemocracy/eGovernment investigates the use of Information Technology in the political arena and how this affects everyday life by comparing the two concepts: e-democracy and eGovernment

This sections look at:

eDemocracy/ eGovernment

Created by:

  • Jo Boden

  • Caitriona Cullen

  • Pauline Doherty

  • Vivienne Doherty

  • Bridgita Kelly

  • Robbie Matthews

  • Priya Mendes

  • Angela McElhinney

  • Alison McGee

  • Treasa McGinley

  • Sabrina O'Donnell

© 2021 All rights reserved.

Supported by:

Ciaran Cunningham, Head of IT, Donegal ETB, Evin Devenney, Donegal ETB Teacher & Google Certified Trainer and Ashlean McGeehan, Donegal ETB Teacher.

Inspiration for the vision of creating Digital Citizenship Content:

Dr. Nigel McKelvey, Head of Flexible and Online Learning. Digital Citizenship Module: Higher Diploma in Science in Computing for Educators, LYIT.

Edited by:

Pauline Doherty, Vivienne Doherty and Angela McElhinney.