Harvard System of Referencing

Presentation & Activities for Referencing

Referencing Dig Cit.pptx

Presentation & Activities

This presentation contains all of the material, videos and activities to cover the topic.

Example of using MS Word for Referencing.mp4

Video on MS Word Referencing Tool

This video is demonstrated how to use referencing tools in MS Word for referencing and your bibliography.

The Harvard System of Referencing

What is the Harvard System of Referencing?

The Harvard system of referencing is a simple method for quoting references where the names and dates are given in the body of the text and then they are alphabetically listed at the end of the essay or assignment or project.

Referencing Example

Video Explaining Harvard Referencing

Frequently Used Material & How to Cite it

How to Cite a Book

Author (surname, initials), Year of Publication, Title of book(italics/underlined), Edition (if applicable), Place of publication (city, country if necessary).


In the text

Harvey (2014) states communication is an essential human skill.


Communication is an essential human skill. (Harvey, 2014)


Harvey, N., 2014, Effective Communication, 4th edition, Gill & Macmillan, Dublin.

How to Cite a Newspaper Article

Author (surname, initials), Year of Publication, ‘Title of article’ (single quotation marks), Newspaper name (italics), Date, Page number(s) (if applicable).


In the text

Smith (2020) states that safe internet use is very important.


Safe internet use is very important. (Smith, 2020)


Smith, J., 2020, ‘How to use the internet safely in 2020’, The Irish Independent, 3 July 2020.

How to Cite a Website - Company, Organisation or Professional Body

Company, organisation or professional body (Year of publication in round bracket) If no date is available put n.d. Title and subtitle if applicable of the website in italics. Place of publication (if known): Publisher (if known) Available from web address [accessed] and the date you accessed the website.


In the text

The Nursing & Midwifery Courcil (2015) states that...


Information from the code for nurses & midwives..... followed by- (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015)


Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015) The code for nurses and midwives. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Available from http://www.nmc.org.uk/globalassets/sitedocuments/nmc-publications/revised-new-nmc-code.pdf [accessed 29 June 2015]. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015) The code for nurses and midwives. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council. Available from http://www.nmc.org.uk/globalassets/sitedocuments/nmcpublications/revised-new-nmc-code.pdf [accessed 29 June 2015].

Source: FESS Student Handbook for Referencing

How to Cite a Website with an Author

Author/editor (if identified) (surname, initials), Last update (if identified), Title of article (italics or underlined), Date accessed, Page URL (full website address).


In the text

Jones(2020) states that global warming will is a serious problem.


Global warming is a serious problem. (Jones, 2020)


Jones, S., 2020, Global Warming Today, accessed 23 February 2021

Hewitt, G. (2015) Greek debt crisis: a country on the brink. London: BBC. Available from http:// www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-33303417 [accessed 28 June 2015].

Source: FESS Student Handbook for Referencing

How to Cite a Pamphlets, Brochures, Leaflets

Title (italics or underlined), Year of publication, Publisher, Place of publication.


In the text

In their Keeping Well this Winter leaflet (2020) the HSE state that the health service is here for you this winter, from routine appointments to urgent care.


The health service is here for you this winter, from routine appointments to urgent care. (Health Service Executive, 2020)


Keeping Well this Winter, 2020, Health Service Executive, Limerick.

How to Cite a Video

Title (italics or underlined), Year of publication, Publisher, Place of publication.


In the text

In their Video Global Warming the Ice Caps, Global Communications (2020) states that the melting of the ice caps is a serious issue for Europe.


The melting of the ice caps is a serious issue for Europe. (Global Communications, 2020)


Global Warming the Ice Caps, 2020, Global Communications, Dublin.

How to Cite an Interview

Name of interviewee, Year of interview, Position of interviewee [Interview], Date of Interview.


In the text

McHugh (2021) stated that the figure for sales 2020 was €100,000.


The figure for sales in 2020 was €100,000. (HcHugh, 2021)


McHugh, A., 2021, Manager of MadeUp Company [Interview], 23 February.

How to Cite a YouTube Video

Name of Contributor(s), (Year of upload in round brackets), Video title and subtitle if applicable (in italics) [video]. Available from full web address [accessed date you watched the video].


In the text

The World Health Organisation Video (2015) states washing hands with either soap and water or with alcohol-based handrub, is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading infections to other.


Washing hands with either soap and water or with alcohol-based handrub, is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading infections to other (World Health Organisation, 2021)


World Health Organisation, (2015), WHO: How to handwash? With soap and water [video]. Available from https://youtu.be/3PmVJQUCm4E [accessed 23 February 2021].

How to Cite a Radio or TV Programme

Title of the programme in italics (Year of original broadcast in round brackets) [radio/television]. Broadcast channel. Date of transmission, Time of transmission using the 24-hour clock (if relevant).


In the text

President Obama said he had a pet dog. (David Attenborough meets President Obama, 2015)

*Note, I made that up, I’ve not watched the interview!


David Attenborough meets President Obama (2015) [television]. BBC One. 28 June 2015, 22:30.

Source: FESS Student Handbook for Referencing

How to Cite a Journal Article Online

Author, Year, Title of Article, Title of Journal (Italics), Volume & Issue Number, Page Number, Web Address, Date Accessed.


In the text

Davis (2014) stated that there is serious tension between social and environmental justice in Europe since 2010. OR

There is serious tension between social and environmental justice in Europe in since 2010. (Davis, 2014)


Davies, P.A. (2014) Green crime and victimization: tensions between social and environmental justice. Theoretical Criminology, 18(3) pp. 300-316. Available from http://proxy.library.lincoln.ac.uk/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login .aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=98396 931&site=eds-live&scope=site [accessed 26 June 2015].

Source: FESS Student Handbook for Referencing

Microsoft Word for Referencing

There is a Tool in MS Word that will add in your citation & generate your Bibliography in alphabetical order at the end of your document.

Give it a try! It will take the work out of referencing for you!

Example of using MS Word for Referencing.mp4

Invaluable Handbooks for Referencing & Academic Writing

These Handbooks are highly recommended, they contain detailed information on Referencing & Academic Writing & examples of any possible item that you may want to create a reference for: