Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

  • What is the importance of using strong passwords?

  • List the steps to follow to create a strong password that is easy to remember.

Presentation & Activities for Passwords


Presentation & Activities

This presentation contains all of the material, videos and activities to cover the topic.

Lesson Plan on Passwords.docx

Lesson Plan

This is a proposed lesson plan to cover the topic of passwords.

Generating Passwords Handout.docx


This handout gives detail on two methods for generating passwords.

Generating Passwords Group Sheets.docx

Groupwork Worksheets

These are worksheets for a groupwork activity.

Password Management & Mobile Security Presentation & Activities

Password Management & Mobile Security.pptx


Presentation on Password Management & Mobile Security

Task 1.pdf

Pre-Lesson Quiz

Task 1 - Answers .pdf

Answers to Pre-Lesson Quiz

Task 2.pdf

Task 2 - Testing Password Strength

Task 2 - Answers .pdf

Task 2 Answers

Task 3.pdf

Task 3 - Sentence Method for Creating Passwords

Password & Username Defined


A Username is a unique identifying name that is used by a person to access a computer, network or online service. E.g. Your online banking account number, your email address.

A Password is a secret string of characters, numbers and symbols that allows us to gain access to a computer system, service or place.

What is Multi Factor Authentication?

Multi Factor Authentication Defined

Multi-factor Authentication is used to make sure that digital users are who they say they are by asking for two or more pieces of evidence to prove their identity.


  • When you set up or make a change to an email account online and they you a text message to verify that you are who you say you are.

  • When you carry out a transaction on line and you must verify the transaction on your banking app before it is processed.

CBS Video - The Risks of Using Weak Passwords


Was there anything new in the Video that

you learned or found interesting?

Forbes Article - The Worlds Most Hacked Passwords

Look at the 20 most used Passwords & how many people are using them!

  • The 20 most used passwords

  • 123456 (23.2m)

  • 123456789 (7.7m)

  • qwerty (3.8m)

  • password (3.6m)

  • 1111111 (3.1m)

  • 12345678 (2.9m)

  • abc123 (2.8m)

  • 1234567 (2.5m)

  • password1 (2.4m)

  • 12345 (2.3m)

  • 1234567890 (2.2m)

  • 123123 (2.2 m)

  • 000000 (1.9m)

  • Iloveyou (1.6m)

  • 1234 (1.3m)

  • 1q2w3e4r5t (1.2m)

  • Qwertyuiop (1.1m)

  • 123 (1.02m)

  • Monkey (980, 209)

  • Dragon (968,625)

Source: Forbes Article - These are the Worlds Most Hacked Passwords, is Yours on the List

Safety Canada Video - How to Create a Strong Password

Google Video - Protect Your Stuff


Was there anything new in the Video that

you learned or found interesting?

Methods for Creating Passwords

Tips for Creating Passwords

Keep these things in mind:

  • Longer Passwords are harder to crack

  • Names, any words that are in the dictionary and places are easier to crack.

  • Combine capitals, lower case, numbers, special characters.

Method One

  • Take a Phrase, Song or Rhyme

  • “How Much is that Doggie in the Window”

  • Now take the first letter of each word

  • How Much is that Doggie in the Window”

  • HMitDitW

  • Change any letters to numbers or special characters. Or some numbers or characters to the start or end.

  • @HM1t01tW5?

Method Two

  • Take 3 or 4 random unrelated words and put them together.

  • PizzaVarnishCandle

  • Change any letters to numbers or special characters. Or some numbers or characters to the end.

  • P1zz@V@rn1$hC@nd13

Conclusion & Tip

Tips to keep your passwords safe:

  • Don’t write down passwords.

  • Regularly change your passwords.

  • Have different passwords for each account.

  • Do not allow browsers to remember passwords.

  • If there is two factor authentication (eg. they send you a text message code also) use these to add an extra layer of protection.

  • Do not type in passwords when you are on a public network.

  • If you are on a device or network that you are not in control of do not type in your password.

  • When typing passwords in a public place check that no one is watching.

Useful Links