Lesson 1: Introduction to
Online Shopping

Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

Lesson 1:

  • Define the term Digital Consumer

  • Explore examples of digital consumerism

  • Explain that shopping online is a convenient way to to shop without leaving the comfort of your own home

  • Explain that in this class they are going to look at different shopping sites and go through the alternative methods of searching for an item

  • Describe what you need to shop online

  • Demonstrate different ways to search for items online

  • Explain how to refine searches

  • Find a specific item themselves

  • Discuss what can be bought online

  • Complete steps to be taken when entering payment details

Lesson Plan, Presentation, Handout

Lesson Plan

Digital Consumerism Lesson Plan 1

Student Handout

Student Handout - Shopping Online Safety

Slides for Lesson 1

Online Shopping Lesson 1

Student Activities

Let’s go shopping (Slide 13)

Search, using any of methods discussed, for a specific item (cream coloured 4 slice toaster)

Browse a given website (easons.ie) (Slide 15)

  • Explain the Easons Homepage:

    • Search box

    • Department tabs

  • Explore the homepage

  • Ask the student to click on the Non Fiction tab and under ths choose Computers

  • Explore the books results page

  • Explain that you can use the filter options to refine your search

  • Click on the back browser button to go back to the homepage

  • Search for Enid Blyton

  • Return to homepage

  • Filter the books in Top 100 Books category to show books in the €15 - €25 price range.