Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

  • Define Connectivity

  • List what is required to be connected online.

Lesson Plan and Presentation

Digital Access Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan

Digital Access V2

Google Slides

Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) Report 2020

Study this graph which shows where the 28 EU Member States in 2020 ranked with regard to Digital Technology Usage. Over the last five years, Ireland was the fastest growing Member State in the EU. Based on data prior to the pandemic, Ireland continues to rank first in the Integration of digital technology dimension, and has maintained a leading position in the use of e-Commerce by SMEs. It entered the ‘top 10’ on the Use of internet by individuals and recorded a notable increase in the share of internet users. It maintained its top 10 position in digital public services, where it excels in open data and the provision of digital public services for businesses. There was no substantial change in Ireland`s position in the Human capital and Connectivity dimensions despite some improvement in key indicators where it has been lagging behind, such as the digital skills of the wider population.

Source: DESI Report on Fast Growing Digital [accessed 29/10/20]

Click on the following web link to launch an Interactive Connectivity Map which shows connectivity changes in the various regions in Ireland from January 2020 to March 2020. Look to see which regions increased connectivity levels and which regions did not increase connectivity levels in that time frame.

CSO Household Internet Connectivity Report

CSO Statistics

Look at the following two info-graphs for the Central Statistics Office. Are there any statistics that surprise you and why? In a group environment discuss your view points with 2-3 others in your class.

Review the statistics on the 5 images in the image carousel below and note down anything thing that:

  • surprised you and why?

  • did not surprise you and why?