
& Plagiarism

Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

  • Define key concepts of copyright: Original, Inspiration, Appropriation, Plagiarism, Infringement

  • Identify what plagiarism is and outline how to avoid it

  • Discuss a given scenario and identify what should have been done

  • Summarise examples of plagiarism

Lesson Plans, Presentation, Handouts

Lesson Plan

Copyright and Plagiarism Lesson Plan

Student Handout / Article


Slides for Lesson

Copyright and Plagiarism Lesson

Videos To Watch During Lesson

(Slide 3)

(Slide 7)

(Slide 8)

Student Activities

Student Activity 1

(Slide 4)

Discussion - Is this ok?

Have students working in groups to discuss the scenario below. One member of each group to report back to the class outline if it is or is not fair and the reasons why.

  • Anna works at the headquarters of a beauty company. The company is launching a new beauty product line made from Donegal Seaweed.

  • They want to promote their new products to their customers and have asked Anna to research and write an article, about the benefits of seaweed, in their monthly newsletter.

  • While doing her research, Anna finds a good article online that provides information about the benefits of seaweed.

  • Anna copies sections from the article, slightly rewording it and pastes it into the company’s newsletter.

  • Her work colleagues are really impressed with her well researched article.

Present Slide 5

Reasons why the above is not ok, and pointers on what Anna should have done.

Student Activity 2

(Slide 8)

Listen to, compare and discuss the music video - Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice.

Have students discuss and answer these questions:

  • How are the songs similar?

  • How are the songs different?

  • Based on what you know, has Vanilla Ice broken the copyright laws? Be specific

Present Slide 9

Outcome of the Vanilla Ice V Queen/Bowie case.

Student Activity 3

Refer students to the online article on Songs on Trial: 12 Landmark Music Copyright Cases, and handout on ‘Copyright Infringement Cases’ to read in their own time.
