Digital Consumerism

QQI Level 3

Computer Literacy

Learning Outcome:

  1. Outline how Information Technology affects everyday life to include social networking, e-commerce, e- government and e-Learning.

Digital Badge in Digital Citizenship

Learning Intentions:

  • Lesson 1: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to successfully search for an item, browse an online shop, add an item to the online shopping basket.

  • Lesson 2: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to successfully identify if a website is secure, be familiar with different ways of paying online, and be able to create an account as a customer with an online retailer.

  • Lesson 3: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to check how trustworthy a website is, implement safety tips whilst shopping online, be aware of their consumer rights as an online shopper, and successfully complete online shopping quiz.

  • Lesson 4: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the benefits and disadvantages of shopping online, recognise which items can be bought online and which items should not be bought online.

  • Lesson 5: At the end of this lesson, students will have a better understanding of consume behaviour. They will be able to explain the effect of Covid 19 on online shopping. Students will recognise factors that influence consumers to buy online.

Digital Media Literacy Junior Cycle

Digital media formats

Strand 3: Checking the facts

3.1 analyse a piece of digital media text to identify the theme, purpose and audience

3.2 analyse how the choice of digital media format influences the kind of information accessed/transmitted

3.3 re-present a digital media text from one online format to another e.g. from video to blog

Looking for bias

3.4 act as a critical consumer by presenting digital media texts that highlight bias

3.5 research the ownership of major websites and its impact on access and choice The role of digital media in our society.