Success Criteria for Digital Citizenship Badge

  • List two reasons why you should Care About Your Digital Footprint.

  • Know how your details can be tracked online.

Lesson Plan and Presentation

Session 2 – Your Digital Footprint

Lesson Plan

Digital Access V2

Google Slides

Digital Footprint Video

Watch the following 8 minute video to learn more about Your Digital Foot Print.

Tips for Digital Citizenship & Internet Safety

As you develop your presence online you need to be more aware of your role and responsibility as a Digital Citizen and be mindful of internet safety as all times. Below are some TIPs to help you manage your digital citizenship engagement in a professional and safe manner.

How Your Details Can Be Tracked Online

Click on the image below to watch a 3 minute video from RTE LEARN to see how your details can be tracked online.

Having watched the video consider the elements of this video that surprised you. Are you more aware of how others can use details you post, to find out other details about you?

Interactive Tutorial - Managing Your Online Identity & Reputation

The following 30 minute interactive tutorial will help you to understand and Manage Your Online Identity and Reputation.

Managing your Online Identity and Reputation. Start tutorial.