3.2: Focused Curriculum

Leading Indicator 3.2

The school curriculum is focused enough that it can be adequately addressed in the time available to teachers.

Goal Statement #1: The essential elements of the content taught in our school have been identified.

PLCs use the "High School Priority Identification Checklist" to identify priority standards.

English 11 Priority Identification Checklist

What's inside each tab?

When you click the link in any course in any tab....(Geometry example below)

Goal Statement #2: The amount of time needed to adequately address the essential elements of the content taught in our school has been examined.

Curriculum Overviews for each department include pacing guides and unit guides.

Priority Standards are turned into "Targets/Standards" in Course Playlists in Empower, and updated annually based upon teacher revision cycles.

Below is a screen capture of where we build and add standards in Empower.

And the image below is a screen capture of a course playlist of current course standards in Empower (with breakdown bars for how many students in a class and how many have 2s, 3s, or no scores on standards)

Goal Statement #3: School teams meet regularly to discuss and revise (as necessary) documents that articulate essential content and the time needed to teach that content.

PLCs meet weekly to revise curriculum, create assessments, collect and review data, and plan interventions.

PLC Meeting Schedule

PLC teams also meet during Late Start and SIP Days.

Content Leaders Schedule Work Time for Revising Curriculum

Sample Content Leader Extended Contract Sheet

Goal Statement #4: Essential Vocabulary has been identified for Tiers 1, 2, and 3.

Tier 3 Vocabulary is indicated on each curriculum scale.