1.7: Celebrating Success

Leading Indicator 1.7 The success of the whole school, as well as individuals within the school, is appropriately acknowledged.

Goal Statement #1: Over the course of the school year, there will be monthly celebrations of staff achievements and successes.

Evidence We Will Collect: Google Sheet detailing the specific recognition monthly. Observational data from students and staff. Anecdotal data from students and staff

Method of Collection: Google Form for Quick Feedback from Marzano HRS.

Time Frame: Monthly

HRS 1.7 Feedback 2016 -- Recently to what extent have the accomplishments of the school or individuals been acknowledged or celebrated?

Goal Statement #2: Each department will develop a means of recognizing outstanding achievements by students and staff.

Evidence We Will Collect: Each department will maintain a Google Doc detailing their recognition. Observational data from students and staff. Anecdotal data from students and staff

Method of Collection: Google Form for Quick Feedback from Marzano HRS Time Frame: Quarterly

Goal Statement #3: Our school’s accomplishments will be continually acknowledged and celebrated.

Evidence We Will Collect: Semi-annual assemblies which will be videotaped and posted on Google Sites. Observational data from students and staff. Anecdotal data from students and staff

Method of Collection: Google Form for Quick Feedbacks from Marzano HRS

Time Frame: Once per semester

Celebrating Student and Staff Achievement

To achieve this goal Belvidere High School has introduced several new initiatives to help in our goal of celebrating the success of students and staff.

In addition to our existing programs, in the past year we have started new traditions to help to communicate to our students, staff, parents and community some of the outstanding individuals and achievements at Belvidere High School.

          • Accept Success Initiative

          • #MyNorm

          • Where Are They Now

          • Renaissance

          • ECRA Data and PARCC Success (ELA Literacy)

          • Academic/Service Assemblies

          • Department Bulletin Boards

          • Local Scholarship Programs

Renaissance Program

This year BHS is proud to bring back the Renaissance program which some alumni may remember from their own high school experience in the late 1990’s. For over 25 years, Jostens has partnered with educators to renew school climate and culture through Jostens Renaissance® Education.

Thousands of schools across North America are proud to call themselves “Jostens Renaissance” schools, sharing a sense of pride that is reflected in the results seen in improved academic performance, behavior, student engagement, and overall school spirit. BHS is very excited to reinstate this amazing program with a new twist...student-led Initiatives. Our version of Renaissance will feature students as the primary organizers and “ground troops” for peer recognition with the assistance of outstanding faculty members like Jessica Full. BHS is looking forward to this being a program which will endure for years and help create a positive force for student involvement.

Student-chosen award designed to recognize certified faculty (teachers, counselors, etc) for their hard work and dedication to the students at BHS.

student-nominated, student-chosen award designed to recognize staff (custodians, hall monitors, para professionals, administrative assistants, lunch ladies) for their hard work and dedication to the students at BHS.

Accept Success

For the past 5 years Belvidere High School has been participating in a program which recognizes students who have been accepted into an accredited four-year institution. Students who have been accepted bring in their acceptance letters to the main office where they present the letter to the principal. The principal personally makes a copy of the letter and is photographed with the student and the letter. The letter and the photo are then displayed in a glass case in the cafeteria. The goal is to show other students what greatness looks like at BHS. Our goal as a school according to Principal Lewis “is to push kids to take that next step...to pursue their goals and pursue what they want to be great at.”

Fabulous Faculty

This is an opportunity for staff to nominate other coworkers that have gone above and beyond for a student or a staff member. A staff member will be drawn weekly and win a parking spot at the front of the building for the following week. There were 797 faculty members nominated during the 2017-2018 school year!


This is an opportunity for staff to nominate students that have demonstrated positive behaviors in the school. After all the nominations are collected, five students are drawn each week and win a prize. There 1,237 student nominations for the 2017-2018 school year!

Teachers celebrating student success

BHS had a super successful National Convention trip last week. We attended Wednesday-Saturday and all of us were very thankful of gaining some sleep over the time change! There were over 70,000 FFA members and guest that filled Indy!

BHS was able to experience Fair Oaks Farm, Student Workshops, Teacher Trainings, and the kissing of the bricks at the Indy 500 finish line.

The most successful part of our trip was celebrating Tyler Swanson in receiving his American Degree. Tyler was a graduate of Belvidere High School in 2018. Tyler was one of less than 1% to receive the highest award honored in the National FFA. There are over 700,100 members in the National FFA Organization among only a handful to represent Belvidere at this level. Belvidere FFA Chapter was chartered in 1940, since then only 10 members(including Tyler) have received the American Degree. We made history last year with two graduates receiving it in the same year, now again with Tyler being the 10th recipient in 79 years. Big shout out to Mr. Brian Swanson who signed off on his application for the administrator requirement, without that, he would not have made it through the preliminary rounds!

Thanks for all the support and encouragement you give the members!

Welcome Back Mondays

This initiative takes place each Monday at BHS student entrances. Invited young and adult community leaders greet student as they enter the building. It celebrates students, staff, and community members who are making a positive difference in Belvidere!

Teacher Appreciation

Student Council members show recognition to all staff throughout the school year by coming to classrooms and offices and bringing a “woot-woot” wagon with favorite snacks and soft drinks, as well as different school supplies.

Golden Apple Recognition

In honor of the teachers at Belvidere High School who have been recipients of the prestigious Golden Apple Awards. Congratulations to Jeremy Edwards and Danielle Turner as they were 2017 finalists for this award.

Our school's past Golden Apple Award winners on display.

Spotlight On Education

In the PAC there are plaques of the school's past Golden Apple Winners

In honor of the teachers at Belvidere High School who have been recipients of the prestigious Golden Apple Awards. Congratulations to Jeremy Edwards and Danielle Turner as they were 2017 finalists for this award.

The Golden Apple spotlights excellence in our classrooms supports innovation in education and then utilizes the strength of those excelling to impact future teachers and the community. Everyone can remember a teacher whose impact made a difference. Golden Apple Foundation makes certain they know it and BHS is extremely proud of its deserving teachers.

Academic Achievement Board

Celebrating Success during Covid-19

#BucsInThisTogether - Shout outs