The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 79 May/June 2024

The final weeks of the academic year are here and they are full of exciting activities and events, dont miss them. Read on to see the highlights from the Summer 2 term so far. We are so pleased that so many parents/carers were able to join us.

For more important dates please visit our website calendar.

Thursday 4 July
Whole School Closure

Friday 5 July
Reception Open Day
R - Y6 Transition Day
R - Y6 Home Learning Due
Nursery Closed

Monday 8 July
Y5, Y6 Home Learning Assembly
Y6 BBQ/Picnic - March Wood
Y6 Daily Swimming Lessons begin

Tuesday 9 July
Y3, Y4 Home Learning Assembly

Wednesday 10 July
Y2 End of Year Assembly - 11.45

Thursday 11 July
Parent/Carer Open Afternoon
Whole School - Early Closure 1pm

Friday 12 July
Dance Giants Performance
Y1 Alexandra Palace Trip

Monday 15 July
HT Award Assembly by invitation

Wednesday 17 July
Y4 Mini Massive Concert at Alexandra Palace

Thursday 18 July
Y6 Haringey Shed Performance
Y5 End of Year Performance

Friday 19 July
Y6 Graduation Assembly - 9.15am

Tuesday 23 July
Last Day of Term - 3.15 finish
Inflatable Obstacle Course

Wednesday 24 July
Inset Day - School Closed


Our annual summer sports event had a fantastic twist this year as we celebrated with a special Olympics theme. Children from Nursery through to Year 6 took part in a variety of athletic events while their family and friends cheered them on.

The week long events came to a close with a very special Olympic Awards Presentation which was joined by a very important guest from Tottenham Hotspurs FC, Ledley King. The Spurs legend and ambassador congratulated each child as he passed over their awards. Of course our curious children were eager to ask some questions, we learned that Ledley enjoyed maths, history and PE during his education and that his favourite events at sports day were those which involved working as a team.

Congratulations to those awarded the most skilled at running, throwing, jumping and for consistently displaying the Olympic Values: determination, excellence, friendship and respect.


Some of our budding Year 5 mathematicians recently attended a maths competition at Gladesmore Community school. The event was attended by twelve Haringey schools and offered the perfect opportunity to showcase their impressive mathematical abilities. 

This was their first ever competition of this type and despite feeling a little nervous the children gave their best efforts and were awarded 5th place!  We are extremely proud of the children involved and can’t wait to revisit this competition during the next academic year. 

Who knows, with this new experience in our knowledge we could even make a first place victory! Well done everyone.


Year 2 were able to put their newest history and geography knowledge to the test on board the world’s last surviving clipper ship. 

Children were able to experience what it would have been like, over 150 years ago, beneath the magnificent mast and sails of the Cutty Sark. From bunk beds to decks, ropes to the helm, they had a brilliant time exploring and enriching their knowledge.

 What a brilliant opportunity to inspire some beautiful collaged ships in their art lessons back at school. Fantastic work Year 2!


The home learning assemblies this year have been absolutely fantastic! Each term the projects have become more and more impressive and Summer 1 was no exception. We are very much looking forward to the final Home Learning Assemblies of the academic year. All Home Learning Passports for this term can be found on the school website:

Remember to bring your project in on time for Friday 5th July and each outstanding project will be awarded with a star on the star chart. We can’t wait to see what you have been working on and look forward to our parents/carers joining us to celebrate your success.


Children across the school have had a fantastic time learning all about career opportunities as part of World of Work Week. During the last week of June each class participated in a series of activities and events aimed at broadening their knowledge and experience of the working world. 

Activities included workshops and trips to learn about jobs in various different industries. From firestations to theatres, architecture to horticulture the children have experienced so much during this very important week. Thankyou to everyone who was involved including our parent/carer volunteers and the professionals who welcomed our children and staff to their place of work.


We so proud of the Year 5 and Year 6 children from Devonshire Hill who have featured in a fantastic promotional video for Haringey.

The reel of highlights shows snippets of the children exploring the Brecon Beacons in Wales during their residential trip to Pendarren House.

Their adventure was documented during their five day stay and it is evident from the footage that they had an incredible time.

The promotional video can be accessed using the following youtube link:


Year 3 were in their element as young palaeontologists during their recent trip to the Natural History Museum. Children were able to apply their history and science knowledge while digging for evidence of historical life in the form of dinosaur bones and fossils. Everyone involved had a fantastic time and got to experience some very impressive artefacts. Thank you to our volunteers who joined us and to everyone who made a contribution towards the cost of this fantastic trip. We can’t wait to see Year 3 on their next adventure!


Our school dog, Charlie, celebrated his 9th birthday just before the May half term. Families at our school made a fantastic effort to make sure that he celebrated in style. We received lots of brilliant birthday cards and gifts for which both Ms Bates and Charlie were very grateful. Thank you to everyone who made an effort to celebrate this special occasion and congratulations to the children who were awarded for designing the most creative birthday cards. There really were some fantastic designs.