The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 67 September/October 2022

Autumn 1 Term is well underway and already we have lots of exciting events and learning taking place. Autumn Term is all about History in our topic lessons which are full of enriched historical learning that is supported by creativity through art and design technology.

For more important dates please visit our website calendar.

Last day of Autumn 1 Term

Inset Day - School Closed

MON 24 - FRI 28 OCTOBER 2022
Half Term Holiday - School Closed

MON 31 OCT - FRI  16 DEC 2022
Autumn 2 Term

Inset Day - School Closed


A huge welcome back to our wonderful Year 6 children and their supporting staff. They have just returned from a 5 day residential trip at Pendarren House in Wales. The trip was an amazing experience filled with educational, exhilarating, and empowering adventures. Children and staff climbed Sugarloaf mountain, visited a coal mine, canoed, river rambled, conducted wildlife surveys, rock climbed, abseiled, zip lined, built shelters and campfires. We are so glad to have you back at school and can't wait to hear all about your experiences.


A huge thankyou to everyone who has returned their responses already. We are keen to provide our families with high quality, affordable after school childcare until 6pm on weekdays during term time. We have created a short survey to determine how many families would benifit from such a service. Responses will allow us to understand how much we would need to charge in order to cover the cost of running these sessions. We are asking everyone to complete the After School Childcare Survey even if you would not need this service (this would be one box to tick). The more families there are who show an interest, the more affordable the sessions can be. 


Exciting news! A member of staff at The Devonshire Hill Primary School has successfully published a book! Can you guess who? To be in for a chance at winning your very own copy of the recently released 'The Paper Shoes' correctly guess the member of staff who has written this book. Some clues have been included below:

Tell us who you think it is:
COMPETITION NOW CLOSED - Winners announced soon!


Year 4 have been learning all about Ancient Egypt in their topic lessons, children have created their own beautiful jewellery inspired by Ancient Egyptian artefacts. They were one of the first classes to go on a trip this academic year too! Children and staff visited at the British Museum as history detectives in search of artefacts including mummies, hieroglyphs and canopic jars. This is amazing work Year 4, the topic tables in your classrooms are looking great!


The School Council are asking children, staff and parent/carers to take part in a Mini 'Green' Marathon, date to be confirmed soon! The aim of this fundraising event is to support a healthy, eco friendly lifestyle. All children and staff are invited to wear one item of green clothing with their PE kit to take part in the 2.6 mile run on the school field. Everyone is encouraged to make a £2.00 donation in support of the cause, funds raised will go towards bringing to life ideas from the School Council's Eco School agenda.

Please note that all children must wear their PE kit and have a change of footwear in order to participate in the run!


Year 3 have been learning all about the Stone Age in their Autumn 1 topic lessons. Children have explored creating their own 'cave art' by first crumpling their paper to create 'stone-like' texture. They then used natural colours to create drawings inspired by  cave art which was created during the Stone Age! We think these look great! We can't wait to get some of these items in frames for our new gallery collection for all of our visitors to see how talented our young artists are!


Please be reminded of the following times which are important to the smooth running of the school day.  Please ensure that your child is dropped off and collected on time.

07:45 Breakfast Club begins

08:45 The school gates open
children arriving after 08:55 are marked late

15:15 End of school day collection time
or start of after school club

15:45 Y1- Y5 Booster Sessions collection time

16 :15
Year 6 Booster Sessions please check your letter carefully for your collection time, note this may vary on a Monday or Wednesday. 

16:15 After School Club collection time


It has come to our attention that children attending booster sessions and after school clubs are bringing snacks to their sessions which are not very healthy. Please ensure that your child's snack does not consist of chocolate, sweets, fizzy drinks, crisps. Snacks must be healthy for example fruit/vegetable/crackers/breadsticks.
Please remember we are a nut free school.