The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 68 November 2022

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a wonderful half term break. We are very much looking forward to continuing our Learning Journeys. There is lots to look forward to during Autumn 2 term, it's always a very exciting and busy term. 

For more important dates please visit our website calendar.

MON 31 OCT - FRI  16 DEC 2022
Autumn 2 Term

Inset Day - School Closed


Our children excelled in their presentation to the Mayor of Haringey! Cllr Gina Adamou visited our school in celebration of the recent Black History events in our school. The children presented a collection of powerful art, letters, and poetry to the Mayor in a showcase of their learning. Her wise words told the children that 'it doesnt matter where you are from, your family or ethnic background, you can achieve anything'. Thankyou to the parents/carers who came along to support our children at this very special event. A selection of the artwork will be displayed as part of a permanent collection of works in the school's Conference Centre for visitors to admire. Two very special pieces were gifted to the Mayor and her consort, these will go on display at the Mayor's Parlour for the current Mayor, her guests  and the future Mayors to enjoy.


Devonshire Hill's newly elected School Council successfully organised their first fundraiser towards the end of October 2022! Their aim was to raise awareness about our school's recent and very exciting news. Thanks to the hard work of many, and in particular the children and staff on last year's School Council, our school were recently awarded Eco- Schools Green Flag status. This is a huge achievement and one that is very important especially in current circumstances. Children and staff wore green items of clothing to participate in a Mini GREEN Marathon. March Wood's green foliage made the perfect backdrop for the occasion! Our efforts raised a total of £122.67. Thankyou to everyone who donated and a special shout out to the parents/carers who joined us for a run!


Friday 18th November 

Children in Need's Pudsey Day is fast approaching! Don't forget your £2 donation, everyone is invited to come to school dressed as a Pudsey polka dot - from head to toe in one bright colour! Our special Pudsey School Meal Menu also follows the them of polka dots! The school will also hold a raffle for the Giant Bear who will be disguised as Pudsey for the occasion. Tickets can be purchased at the Main Office or via Parent Mail. Funds raised from the raffle will go towards a special Devonshire Hill fund in order to support our families who are in need of resources and uniform.


It is time for our Nursery Families to start applying for your child's Reception 2023 place at Devonshire Hill. If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 you will need to apply for a place now. This includes families who are already attending our Nursery. All applications are completed online by a parent/carer using this e admissions applications link. Register today to avoid missing out on a place in Devonshire Hill's vibrant, exciting and opportunity rich Reception 2023. If you need support with the above please speak with a member of the Nursery Team who will be happy to support.


Our recently elected Head Boy, Girl and their Deputies joined local Police Officers on White Hart Lane for a Junior Road Watch. Children measured the speed of vehicles passing our school using a speed radar gun. They discussed road safety and the importance of sticking to the speed limit which is 20mph on roads surrounding our school. The children were able interview passers by who were stopped for speeding. Thankyou to everyone who stopped to talk and answer our questions, we hope you will continue to drive safely, passing our school with extra caution.


Children in Year 5 & Year 6 were offered the amazing opportunity to participate in a 5 day cycling course. Each child was successful in completing either their Level 1 or Level 2 Bike Ability Award. A huge thankyou to the instructors for all of their hard work, and congratulations to the children who showed an increase in confidence and skill following their cycling training. Children practiced everything from bike servicing, starting, stopping and control through to signalling and road safety. Well done to everyone who took part.

Remember we encourage cycling to school as it is good for your health and for the environment. Our school has storage space for bikes and scooters, you just need to provide your own padlock to keep it secure at the stands.


Once again a huge thankyou to the Deborah Reiss Foundation for their very  generous donation to our families. Cllr Zena Brabazon visited the school alongside the charity in order to provide children in Reception to Year 6 were provided with a 'Keep Warm Kit' which contained a wooly hat, snood, gloves, socks and thermal vest. The children were very excited, with many of them wearing their kit to school the very next day. There were so many lovely messages on our feedback survey also, one family said 'With the cold winter and high energy bills the kit will help us keep warm indoors and outdoors. This was a really thoughtful kit especially with the rising cost... Thank you so much'. We think the children look very smart and very importantly very warm! If you missed a kit or need help with extra school uniform,  then please contact the School Office who will be happy to assist.


Our families created some excellent home learning projects this term. The children were so proud of their creations and were so excited to show us all about what they have been learning about this term. A broad variety of History related projects from The Stone Age and Ancient Egypt through to the Vikings and the Great Fire of London are now on display around the school for everyone to celebrate. They look magnificent and visitors and staff have already started to comment. 

We can't wait to see what exciting projects come from Autumn 2. Home Learning Passports will be distributed shortly with the Home Learning Assembly taking place over the first week of December. As always our parents/carers are invited to celebrate with us - please see your Parent Mail > Events to see invitations to your child's Assembly.


Disney Musicals in Schools is back! Following the success of the 2022 Lion King performance, both in school and at the Lyceum Theatre, our current Year 5 children will soon be working towards their very own production of Aladdin! We are so excited to be a part of this initiative for a second year and can't wait to share more details about how this opportunity will unfold. This year the Devonshire Hill Disney Team includes Ms Darby, Mr Callaghan and Ms Kumbe.



Exciting changes are coming to March Wood - Devonshire Hill's very own woodland. We are incredibly lucky to have this valuable resource which as of Autumn 2 will be home to Outdoor Learning sessions for all children in Reception to Year 4. We would like to invite our families to explore March Wood, meet our Forest School team and ask any questions. Parent/Carer Sessions will take place on Thurs 10th & Thurs 17th November This is available to book here
Please ensure that your child is sent to school in clothes suitable for outdoor learning on the correct day view timetable here.


Take a look out the upcoming Menus for special events in November and December!

Did you know that children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to a delicious hot school meal for FREE? Take a look at our School Meals webpage to see the full Autumn Term Menu and to switch your child to school meals for Autumn 2!

Does your child already have school meals? We have would love to know what the children think about our latest menus, watch out for the Olive Dining Survey coming soon!


Thankyou to everyone who completed the recent After School Provision Survey. The survey is now closed and the results have been very helpful in beginning the first steps towards planning an extended provision. We are currently looking into recommended companies who will provide an After School service at Devonshire Hill School. We will be in touch with more exciting news as soon as there are more details to share. In the meantime there are spaces available in our After School Clubs and  Breakfast Clubs for children in Reception to Year 6. You can register your interest using the coloured links.


Christmas/Winter Jumper Day is fast approaching! The Save the Children event takes place on Thursday 8th December What will you wear? We are on the lookout this year for the most creative jumper this year - there's plenty of time to get your creative thinking cap on! Also available, due to the popularity of both these FUNdraisers we will be selling wooden stars to decorate the school's tree and 2023 calendars (photographs will be taken on Jumper Day) all items will be available to purchase in the Parent Mail Shop.