The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 69 December 2022

Autumn Term has been full of exciting events! Highlights include visits from the Mayor, generous fundraising events supported by our families and staff, amazing creativity throughout our school for a wide variety of learning. Thankyou to each and every family for your continued support and for playing an important role in the flourishing Devonshire Hill Community. We can't wait for more successful stories in 2023!

For more important dates please visit our website calendar.

FRIDAY  16 DEC 2022
Last Day in Autumn 2 Term

Bank Holiday- School Closed

First Day in Spring 1 Term

Deadline to apply for Reception '23

1.15pm closure for Reception - Year 6
Nursery Open As Usual
Parent/Carer Open Afternoon 1.30 - 3.00
Parent/Carer Open Afternoon 3.00 - 4.30


The Mayor of Haringey, Cllr Gina Adamou returns to Devonshire Hill in search of a beautiful greetings card that she can send to her colleagues over December 2022. Children across the school made a wide variety of cards depicting seasonal scenes, snowmen, Christmas trees, snowflakes, robins, gifts, snowflakes etc. Each class put forward their best 3 designs for the Mayor to make her choice. The children at Devonshire Hill are very creative which made choosing very difficult. A huge congratulations to the four successful children and their families, designing a greetings card for the Mayor is a very important job! The winning designs will be professionally printed and sent out across Haringey. The shortlisted cards and the winning designs can be seen on our December display in the Front Office until the end of the Autumn 2 term.


Support from the Devonshire Hill community towards our fundraising efforts in November 2022 was incredible. This legacy lives on into our December FUNdraisers and we are so grateful!

Your incredible efforts raised:
£380.80 for Pudsey Children in need
£106.65 for Giant Bear Raffle
£88.00 for Happy School Bag Clothing

There is still time to purchase:
* a star for the Christmas tree - £1/ea
* raffle tickets for the 7ft tree - £1/five
* raffle tickets for the hamper - £1/five
* tickets for Millfield Theatres Panto - £5

It's not too late to donate £2 towards Christmas/Winter Jumper day.

We thank you in advance for your generosity.


This is a final reminder to our Nursery Families who still need to apply for a Reception 2023 place. If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 and you have not applied for a place, then you must do so urgently. This includes families who are already attending our Nursery. All applications are completed online by a parent/carer using this e admissions applications link. 

Admissions close on Sunday 15 January. If you need support with the above please speak with a member of the Nursery Team who will be happy to support. Equally if you have friends and family that you could reccomend us to then please do, flyers are available from the front office.


Back in our October newsletter we announced that a member of the Devonshire Hill staff had recently published their very own book! We had copies of 'The Paper Shoes' to give as a prize to the lucky winner of our 'Guess Who?' competition. 

Finally we got to find out that Ms D'Abreu is actually the proud author of 'The Paper Shoes' and she goes by the pen name of Alice Johnson, she is so happy to share this journey with our wonderful families. Congratulations to the children who won their very own signed copy! If you missed out this time then take a look for one of the copies in our School Library or you can now purchase your own copy to keep at home using this link to Amazon!


Don't miss out on our exciting After School Clubs for the Spring Term.
Brand new clubs this term include: Morning Mindfulness with Mr Slav and Ms Panayi for an early start filled with energy, positity and motivation.
Bookworm and Creative Writing with Ms Pirovano to develop your passion for reading and express your inner author!
Gravitrax STEAM Club with Mr Thomas is an exciting science construction club with a new problem to solve weekly!
Computing & Technology Club with Mr Ahmed is a great opportunity for children in Year 1 and 2 to develop their skills with electronic devices

Register your interest in our clubs here:
Register for an After School Club

Extended After School hours coming to Devonshire Hill in late January 2023! More details to follow soon.


Do your friends and family have children aged 2 - 11years? We have places available in a number of our year groups and would love for them to join us. Simply share this link or visit the Office where you can collect flyers to share with friends/family/or your local community groups.


Thankyou to all of our parents/carers who were able to attend our very important workshop about March Wood. We hope that you found the sessions informative and feel confident now that our families are aware of how incredible this facility is for your child's learning right here at Devonshire Hill.

 We would love for your feedback about this unique facility (there is no other school with an outdoor learning environment quite as impressive as March Wood). Please do leave us your positive Google review using this link.

Please remember that Children in Reception to Year 4 take part in Outdoor Learning sessions weekly and they must wear suitable clothing for their session on their Outdoor Learning day. Please see your class teacher if you have any questions.


Our families and staff have been generously purchasing our wooden star decorations. Children have been decorating their stars at home and returning them to school to hang on the tree outside of Ms D'Abreu's office. Our families are so very creative and so far we have a beautiful collection of stars added to the tree but we would like to call for even more! You can purchase your star in the ParentMail shop or by visiting the Office. Stars are £1.00 each and can be hung on the tree at anytime until the end of the term. While your hanging your star why not see if you can spot last your creations from last year?


The Devonshire Hill Nursery has kindly been donated a Christmas tree by Pines and Needles who would love to offer our families and staff a discount on Christmas trees in their pop up stores! DISCOUNT CODE: HILL10

Our local pop up store is located in Finsbury Park at: Hornsey Gate, Endymion Road, N4 1EE 
Phone: 020 359 84877

Keep an eye out on Pines and Needles social channels @pinesandneedles for fun activities at local stores.

Please visit for more details and other locations as they are all around London!


On Thursday 26 January the school will close early at 1:15pm to all children in Reception to Year 6. Nursery will remain open as usual

This early closure will accommodate a open afternoon for parents/carers who are invited to visit the school with your child to see their work in their classroom. During the open afternoon your child can also show you around our school. Please put this date in your diary as we will be running two sessions for you to book into 1.30pm-3.00pm & 3.00pm -4.30pm. 


To mark Remembrance Day 2022, children and staff across the school contributed towards a beautiful display of poppies in November! Thank you to everyone who did their bit to make this beautiful, so special and unique! The poppies will become part of a long term display in the Main Hall for our everyone to see and celebrate. Devonshire Hill remembers! Next time you visit, see if you can spot our beautiful new display.