The Devonshire Hill Times
Edition 65 April/May 2022
Take a look at the highlights from Summer 1 Term, it's been a busy one! Please keep checking your Parent Mail and the Website Calendar for upcoming events - next term is packed with exciting trips and activities.
Have a wonderful half term everyone!
For more important dates please visit our website calendar.
First week of Summer 2 Term
MON 11 - 15 JULY
Final week of After School Club
Last Day of Summer 2 Term - normal finish time
What a wonderful day we have had on the last day of term. Everyone made an amazing effort to come to school dressed to the Jubilee theme and The Devonshire Hill Crown Jewels are incredible! So much effort has gone into creating such beautiful jubilee crowns so well done to all who took part. A selection of crowns will be loaned to The Mall Wood Green as part of a temporary display to mark the Platinum Jubilee. The winning crowns on display will be announced after the half term break.
One of our budding Year 5 artists had a very special visit from a very important guest this week. PC Andy Frost collected a beautiful collaged portrait of the Queen. The local Police Station will create a special display to mark the celebration of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. This is very exciting news indeed!
What a very exciting day our families and staff had for the Science Week. The Royal Institution of Science came to give us a very special workshop all about 'Exploding Food'. There were lots of amazed faces in the audience of both the children and our parents and carers. Thankyou to everyone who came along to join us!
The Devonshire Hill School Dog, Charlie, celebrated his birthday in style this term. Children submitted beautiful drawings of Charlie and lots of lovely gifts and cards. A winning drawing of Charlie was chosen from each year group and will be awarded with an exclusive session with Charlie as their prize.
Y2 & Y6 SATS
Congratulations to all children in both Year 2 and Year 6 who have worked very hard towards completing their SATS exams! Year 6 came to school early every morning to ensure that had a nutritious breakfast in a relaxed atmosphere prior to the exams beginning. All children were awarded a special certificate to mark their achievement, focus and perseverance!
What better way to celebrate our Early Birds Breakfast Club than with a brand new makeover in the Dinner Hall and a Variety Performance by our talented Breakfast Club children. There was singing and dancing, a Lego and art gallery and a library of beautiful illustrated stories all created by our talented children. What a beautiful start to the day!
Children from Year 1 to year 6 were fortunate enough to participate in some Cricket workshops with Middlesex Cricket Club. The children had a wonderful day learning various cricket skills from throwing and catching to bowling and fielding. We hope everyone enjoyed their sessions and found it refreshing to try something very new!
Well done to everyone who was able to walk, scoot or cycle to school over all five days of Walk to School Week. If you didn't quite make five days this time perhaps you could set yourself a new target to use those legs to get to school on one or two days each week. Now that the weather is warmer and dryer this is the perfect opportunity to get into this healthy habit.
Congratulations to the Year 4 and 5 athletes who were selected to represent Devonshire Hill school at the Quad Kids sporting event and the New River Stadium. The children took part in a number of running jumping and throwing activities. Well done to everyone for taking part and especially to those who came home with an award - we are extremely proud of all everyone!
Class photos will take place on Monday 27th June 2022. Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct school uniform looking smart and ready for their class photograph. Once uploaded class photos will be available to purchase online via the Vancols website.