The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 60 October 2021

The last week of term is almost here, please remember Autumn 1 ends on a Thursday this term. Wishing everyone a peaceful Half Term break (dates below), with lots of fun and active learning. 

For more important dates please visit the full school calendar on our website.


Please be reminded that Thursday 21st October is the last day in Autumn 1 Term. School will be closed on Friday 22nd for a staff only Inset Training Day. We look forward to welcoming our families back for Autumn 2 on Monday 1st November. Visit the Learning Journey Maps on the school website to take a look at what your child will be learning in each subject next term.


Congratulations to our recent Into University graduates in Year 6. After a very busy term participating in a number of workshops and exciting visits the children made mortarboard hats and were awarded certificates for their hard work. Alongside regular workshops at the Into University hub, trips included a very exciting visit to the Science Museum and to Cambridge University. The Into University programme begins again soon for a selection of our Year 5 children, we can't wait to see what exciting activities they are involved in.


The Nursery children and staff were very excited to welcome parents and carers for a stay and play session. This allowed our children to share first hand experience of their learning journey with their family.


A selection of children from Year 5 & Year 6 have been selected to participate in a three year project called 'Dance Giants'. This street and breakdance mentoring project is currently offered in only five Primary Schools within Tottenham, Devonshire Hill being one of those five. The project works towards children performing in an end of year production at The Bernie Grant Arts Centre to celebrate their achievements.  You can  read more about Dance Giants at


Magic Breakfast bagels are back! We are delighted to offer free warm bagels for all children as they arrive to school each morning. This initiative is aimed at keeping our brains from distractions caused by hungry tummies. Concentration is key for successful learning and happy tummies lead to productive brains which are switched on and ready to learn. Please encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast as usual - our bagels are intended as a snack not a breakfast replacement.


Celebration Assembly has been a huge success this term, returning to the more tradition format in the Main Hall. After Half Term we are so pleased to welcome our families back to be a part of these weekly celebrations. Please look out for an electronic invitation to the next Celebration Assembly of your child's class. We can't wait to see you there!


Our brand new afterschool clubs have been a huge success this term and will be extended to the end of Autumn 2. If you have not yet made your payment please do so before the end of term to avoid loosing your place to somebody on the waiting list. Anyone new to our clubs or looking to attend one of our new clubs can register their interest here.


We asked some Devonshire Hill families to tell us about their experience of Kidscape After School Club (Kidscape staff collect and take the children to Risley Avenue Primary School). Here's what they had to say:

"The booking process is straight forward & easy. I personally feel Kidscape is good value for money. "

"I’m told by my Daughter the snacks are delicious. Kidscape provide a different snack each day such as pasta, beans on toast, sandwiches, pizza, all served with Fruit/Veg."

"There are many activities at Kidscape such as arts & crafts, and playing outside, and singing & dancing. Other activities include Football, Basketball (indoor & outdoor) Reading, Lego and much more." 

For more information or to sign up visit: alternatively please speak to a member of the Devonshire Hill admin team.


Our parent volunteers have kindly agreed to support the school to raise funds through clothing donations. The school has signed up to the 'Happy School Bag' project. This recycling scheme allows schools to raise funds by collecting second hand quality clothing which can be reused. We are calling for clothing donations to be made to help us raise maximum funds (30p per Kilo). Only quality items can be included in the weight so please check the requirements carefully before making a donation. Please bring your donations to the Main Office for the attention of Ms Marie (pastoral care).


Please note that orders placed after Wednesday 20th October will be ready to collect after the October half term.


Devonshire menu Autumn 2021 PDF.pdf

The lunchtime menu will be changing from Monday 1st November with some exciting new dishes available. This is accessible all year round on our school website: