The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 73 September/October 2023

Autumn 1 Term has been full of celebration and exciting news! We have had much to celebrate, including 100% Attendance, Lynch and Tull House winners, our Eco Schools status, art focus week, and the new School Streets initiative. We are very much looking forward to our upcoing library launch coming up in November.

For more important dates please visit our website calendar.

Friday 3 November
Big Buzz Library Launch - Mayor of Haringey

Monday 6 November
Big Buzz Library Launch - Spurs VIPs THFC

Tuesday 7 November
Rainbow Readers FUNdraiser

Wednesday 8 November
Y5 - British Museum
Reading Gives You Wings Project
Diaond Assembly

Thursday 9 November
Y3 -  Lea Valley Geography Trip
Azore Assembly

Friday 10 November
Diwali Lunch

Friday 17 November
Fast and Funny Run - Children in Need

Monday 20 November
Photo Day  - Individual/Siblings
Y5 & Y6 Bikability Training Week

Wednesday 22 November
Happy School Bag Collection

Monday 27 November
Ammolite Into University Focus Week
Y3 & Y4 Bikability Training Day 1 of 2


We had some brilliant feedback in our recent parent/carer survey about the new School Streets arrangement some of which have been published in the recent edition of Haringey People Magazine! Feedback suggests that the road outside of our school is noticeably quieter, that the walk to school feels safer, and some of our families have even said that it has encouraged them to walk to school rather than drive. Following additional changes to the school street since its launch in September we are back in consultation with Haringey Council for further improvements. In the meantime we encourage our families and staff to continue to provide further comments by emailing

Did you see our story in the Haringey People magazine?


The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School recently welcomed five very special guests through our doors. They visited our school to fulfil dreams of revisiting their roots from almost 60 years ago. The childhood friends, which included residents from Hertfordshire, Essex and West Sydney, Australia shared lively stories from their time at school together while searching for their names in the admissions books and exploring the photo archives for familiar faces. One of the visitors said “Devonshire Hill was the making of us all and, with the education and development we received, gave us the tools and experiences to fill our ‘life backpack’ to go on and have amazing careers”. We hope that this is true of all of our children today and that in 60 years time you will look back and possibly even pay the school a visit to inspire the next generation of successful Learners! Did you see our article in the Haringey Community Press


As we return into a new academic year The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School are proud to announce that we have been awarded our Eco School status for a second year! 

This project is led by children in the school council and the staff supporting them. Our three areas for making positive changes were, school grounds, litter and energy. One of the most popular activities to come from our development is definitely litter picking! The children thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of gabbing litter with the litter pick stick. So much so that this is now one of our daily activities at lunchtime - the Eco reps can't wait to get started!


Our first celebration assembly after the summer holidays was a very special one. We were able to congratulate 9 families for attending every single day of the academic year 2022-23. That's a total of 195 days which is a fantastic achievement! In addition to this we also awarded a number of families for attending every day in the summer term - it was brilliant to see some different children being awarded to last term. 

Our first assembly of the new year will acknowledge all of those with 100% attendance in the Autumn Term. Everyone awarded will also have some time on the inflatable obstacle course alongside the children in the winning house.


Our first week back into the new academic year 2023/4 had a huge focus on art. 

The children produced some incredible pieces of work which were inspired by the new learning topics for Autumn Term. 

Year 2 created a huge scene acknowledging the Great Fire of London complete with wooden houses, flames, smoke and boats on the river thames.

We can't wait for you to see this beautiful artwork on display around the school when you next finish.


Our first celebration assembly after the summer holidays was a very special one. We were able to congratulate 9 families for attending every single day of the academic year 2022-23. That's a total of 195 days which is a fantastic achievement! In addition to this we also awarded a number of families for attending every day in the summer term - it was brilliant to see some different children being awarded to last term. 

Our first assembly of the new year will acknowledge all of those with 100% attendance in the Autumn Term. Everyone awarded will also have some time on the inflatable obstacle course alongside the children in the winning house.


As we return into a new academic year The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School are proud to announce that we have been awarded our Eco School status for a second year! 

This project is led by children in the school council and the staff supporting them. Our three areas for making positive changes were, school grounds, litter and energy. One of the most popular activities to come from our development is definitely litter picking! The children thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of gabbing litter with the litter pick stick. So much so that this is now one of our daily activities at lunchtime - the Eco reps can't wait to get started!


Once again the effort made by families at The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School has been fantastic! This was our first ever Spooky Autumn Disco and it didn’t disappoint! 

There were some wonderful spooky and autumn themed outfits for this exciting day which raised a total of £153. 

We also managed to ‘grow’ a rather spooky looking pumpkin patch in the front playground - each pumpkin was so very creative that it was impossible to choose a winner which meant that every pumpkin carver was given a special award. Thank you to everyone who took part, however you chose to do so, your participation ensured that we had a wonderful start back after the October half term.