The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 75 December 2023

What a fantastic finish to Autumn Term, congratulations to Lynch house, the winning house this term. The children were fantastic in their end of year performances and our annual fundraisers were a huge success. Thankyou to everyone who contributed to the events of December.
Wishing everyone a fantastic festive break and a happy new year. See you all in January 2024.

For more important dates please visit our website calendar.

Fri 22 December - Fri 5 January
Christmas Break | School Closed

Monday 8 January
Inset Day | School Closed - Staff Only

Tuesday 9 January
Spring 1 Term Begins - Welcome Back
Spring 1 After school Clubs Begin

Friday 12 January
Open Day Visit for Reception 2024
Inflatable Obstacle 100% Attendance
Inflatable Obstacle Lynch House

Friday 15 January
Reception 2024 admissions deadline
100% Attendance Assembly Y4, Y5

Friday 19 January
Wear Your Wellbeing Hat to School
100% Attendance Assembly Y1.Y2, Y3

Friday 26 January
Great Mental Health Day - LIT event

Wednesday 31 January
Emerald Class Assembly - P&C Invited

Friday 2 February
Spring 1 Home Learning Due


The Nursery & Reception children were fantastic and festive in their winter production of ‘The Jolly Red Santa’. The story they told was inspired by their recent focus text ‘The Little Red Hen’ of which they read together with a real chicken from Ms Panayi’s flock. So many of our parents/carers attended and the children sung and performed brilliantly. Everyone was so very proud. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the production such a huge success. We can’t wait to see our young performers on the stage again soon!


The Mayor of Haringey recently announced the winning designs of his Christmas card competition. We are so proud that two of the three winning designs were created by children at Devonshire Hill. A huge congratulations to the children and their families who were so proud of their achievement. The Mayor paid a special visit to award the children with a book voucher and a very special card which had their very own design printed. 


Our annual classroom decorating competition was a huge success this year with more parents/carers coming along to take part than ever. Thank you to everyone who made a special effort to attend this event and help to create such excitement amongst the children and staff. Our judges this year were Michelle Moss (Chair of Governors), Ms Chambers and Ms Ross from our Admin Team.  ‘It was a close call, with one or two classrooms winning by a whisker!’.

Congratulations to the winning classes: EYFS Nursery, Y1 Amethyst, Y4 Garnet, Y6 Azore who were awarded a special treat bag to take home and enjoy.


Thank you to everyone who took part in our Autumn 2 fundraisers. We celebrated Winter Jumper day, a 2024 calendar photoshoot, star decorations for the tree and the jolly jar raffle. Thank you to everyone who took part and made donations - these events generate much needed funds to support our next exciting activities and events. Below are totals of funds raised. 

Save the Children - £80.50
Devonshire Hill FUNdraiser - £80.50
Calendar Photoshoot - £350
Stars - £56
Raffle - £156


Garnet Class were brilliant performers in their first trumpet concert. Our young musicians have been learning to play the trumpet since September 2023 and it was evident that they have put in lots of hard work both at school in their lessons and at home. 

We can’t wait to see their progress in the next concert which has been scheduled to take place in March towards the end of Spring 2. Congratulations Garnet Class, keep up the great work!


Crystal Class were fantastic in their first ever violin concert since learnng to play in September. Thier faces were full of concntration as they carefully positioned their bows to the violin strings, it was evident that they have put in lots of hard work both at school in their lessons and at home. We can’t wait to see their progress in the next concert which has been scheduled to take place in March towards the end of Spring 2. Congratulations Garnet Class, keep up the great work!


Learning in Tottenham (LIT) invite families at Devonshire Hill to create beautiful 'wellbeing hats' to celebrate Great Mental Health Day 2024.


Children have been working very hard both in school and at home during Autumn 2. There were some fantastic home learning projects presented in our most recent home learning assemblies. A huge well done to everyone who is consistently working hard both at school and at home. We are very much looking forward to seeing our latest projects on display around the school and especially in our new library. Spring 1 Home Learning Passports will be sent home during the first week back, remember children who produce their home learning project are awarded house points.