The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 74 November 2023

November has been a very busy month at The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School. The children have been very excited about the official opening of our vibrant new library. We have welcomed VIP guests including the Mayor of Haringey and players from Tottenham Hotspurs!

For more important dates please visit our website calendar.

Friday 1 December
Y2  Great Fire of London Trip

Monday 4 Deceber
R - Y6 Festive Classroom Decorating

Thursday 7 December
Winter Jumper Day
Christmas Lunch
Calendar Photo Day
Y4 P&C information Workshop (MTC)

Friday 8 Deceber
Home Learning Projects Due

Tuesday 12 December
Y1 Toy Workshop Trip

Thursday 14 Deceber
Jolly Red Santa EYFS Production

Monday 18 December
Christmas Raffle

Wednesday 20 Deceber
Winter Wonderland Workshop

Thursday 21 Deceber
Final Day in Autumn 2 Term

Fri 22 December - Fri 5 January
Christmas Break | School Closed

Monday 8 January
Inset Day | School Closed - Staff Only

Tuesday 9 January
Spring 1 Term Begins - Welcome Back


Academy players Timi Adekunle, Pele Arganese-McDermott and James Rowswell recently attended the opening of the new library at The Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School. Children attending this very special event were carefully selected  due to their recent achievements, either as dedicated readers who had been awarded their Bronze Reader Award or as keen football players in the school’s Football club. 

Questions from the children to the players revealed that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a firm favourite and that role models can be found not only in your favourite football team but also in your school - your teachers!

Thankyou to everyone who joined us for this special event in our new library, we hope that this will be the first of many VIP guests to attend this fantastic new space!


The Mayor of Haringey officially opened the new library at Devonshire Hill Nursery & Primary School. Staff had been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create an exciting and comfortable new space where everyone can come together and express their love of books. The children had been waiting patiently and could not wait to get in and explore the shelves for their next great read! 

After cutting the ribbon the Mayor of Haringey opened the door to reveal a beautiful vibrant room of warm oranges, tranquil greens and bubbles so full of colour they could pop! The cosy corners are perfect to tuck away and read with a friend, each book has its own space on a shelf in carefully organised sections, incredible three dimensional models and artwork made by the children draw you in and inspire your imagination! The children’s eyes were alight with excitement as they enjoyed a slice of delicious cake with the Mayor of Haringey and their families in the new library.


A huge thankyou to everyone who participated in our recent Rainbow Reader’s FUNdraiser

The school was buzzing with such brightly coloured tops and we were able to raise a total of £100 to spend towards our library. This will help us purchase some excellent new titles for our shelves, we currently have our eye on some new books by Lennie Henry - what would he think of our new library? Thank you to everyone who donated. We will keep you posted on new books added to our collection.


In acknowledgement of the very important Remembrance weekend our Year 5 children, accompanied by the Head Boy and Head Girl, were invited to attend the local remembrance service for schools at Tottenham Cemetery. In addition to this children in all years enjoyed making a beautiful collection of poppies for our displays which are currently in the main hall and the front playground. Thank you to everyone who donated materials and time towards making this project possible. If you would be interested in offering support with future projects of this nature please contact Ms Hayley via the Main Office.


There were some fantastically fun outfits worn to school for our recent Children in Need event. Dinosaurs, clowns, mermaids, pirates, out of space beings and all things colourful and fun turned up to school ready to run the daily mile. So many families made an incredible effort so thankyou for supporting this exciting day and for generously making a donation. Total funds raised were £152 which will be divided equally between Children in Need and the Devonshire Hill FUNdraising pot. Congratulations to the winners from each class who were presented with a special award by our Head Boy and Head Girl.


Children in Year 3 - 6 were recently offered an exciting opportunity to upskill their cycling skills in special training with Cycle Confident. In total 45 children benefited from the ‘Bikeability’ scheme and we are proud to announce that everyone passed their training with each participant being awarded a special certificate and badge. Congratulations to everyone who took part, we are hoping to run another course in the near future so if you missed out this time, or if you are looking to improve your skills further watch this space!