The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 72 May/June/July 2023

Wishing everyone a wonderful Summer Holiday. Here are the highlights from Summer 2 Term and some key dates for September when we can't wait to welcome everyone back and hear all about their summer.

For more important dates please visit our website calendar.

Friday 21 July
Last day in term - School Ends at 3.15pm

Monday 4 September
Inset Day - Staff Only - School Closed

Tuesday 5 September
Autumn 1 Term Begins
Y3 - Y6 100% Awards Assembly

Friday 8 September
Y1 - Y2 100% Awards Assembly
Inflatable Obstacle Course for
100% Attendance & Winning House

Monday 25 - Fri 29 September
Year 5 & 6 Pendarren Residential Trip

Thursday 21 September
R - Y6 Parents/Carers Evening

Monday 23 - Fri 27 October
October Half Term - School Closed

Monday 30 October
Inset Day - Staff Only - School Closed

Tuesday 31 October
Spooky Disco


On behalf of the whole school we would like to congratulate Year 6 for completing their learning journey at Devonshire Hill. We know that you will continue to be Successful Learners in all that you do. Stay focused, work hard, have fun and stay safe. We wish you all the best in your new schools . Dream big, stay positive and seek happiness. 

The Year 6 'Party in the Park' was a great opportunity for children to have one last time making memories and reflecting on how far they had come. We hope you will go on to cherish memories of Devonshire Hill for a long time to come. 

We welcome you warmly to visit us in the future to share success stories from your next chapters.


The final celebration assembly had the whole school in suspense as the house points scores were so close with just one more week of house points to award. Children from the winning house will be invited to an inflatable obstacle course session during the first week back, they will be joined by those children awarded for 100% attendance in the Summer Term 2023 and the Academic Year 2023. The final results for total number of wins in Summer term are: 

Hodgkin: 3
Lynch: 4
Tull: 4
Wakefield: 3

Congratulations to the winning Houses, Lynch and Tull! this term was very close with both Hodgkin and Wakefield in joint second!


A grand total of 105 incredible projects were submitted to the Headteacher's Awards 2023 for what seems like our best year yet! Each year the creativity is so very inspiring and we have so many imaginative children and families. Thankyou to everyone who took part in this very important event which gives the children such a sense of achievement following their hard work throughout the academic year. We hope that you are enjoying your certificate and prize book. 

We are looking forward to inviting even more families to take part for 2024. In September the Star charts reset and children can begin their hard work towards collecting 50 stars to qualify for the next Headteacher's Awards celebration.


While Year 6 graduate from primary education into their new secondary schools our Reception children are graduating from from Early Years education into Key Stage 1. As we say farewell and offer warm wishes to Year 6 we also welcome our new Year 1 children to the next chapter of their learning journey at Devonshire Hill. In order to celebrate the success at both ends of the school we held a graduation ceremony which was a lovely way of reflecting on our happy memories, celebrating our success and preparing for the new challenges ahead with our families and friends. Thankyou to everyone who purchased a Graduation Photo of their child. This FUNdraiser generated a total of £277 towards our next exciting events taking place in 2023/24.


It has now been confirmed that this September, Haringey's School Street will be launched outside of our school. The new restrictions prevent cars from accessing the road outside of our school during peak times. Please follow the link for more information:

In preparation for this change we recently celebrated Walk to School Week which was a huge success. Children were encouraged to explore wildlife each day on their walk to way to school and submit photos of what they saw. In a recent survey we have seen an increase in the number of families choosing more active and healthier options of getting to school including walking, scooting an d cycling.


We are encouraging all children to take part in the 2023 Summer Reading Challenge which this year is called Ready, Set, Read. 

To take part you can sign up by visiting the Summer Reading Challenge website: or you can visit your local library in person. To find your local library you can visit the Haringey Libraries webpage:  It is so important that children keep reading during the Summer holidays. Not only is reading an enjoyable free activity which can provide a much needed break from technology but it is also great for your mental wellbeing and important for maintaining and improving current reading skills. Children who read over the Summer Holidays will be more prepared for their learning upon their return in September. We can't wait to hear all about your participation!


Sports Day were a great success! Children in Year 3 to Year 6 participated in various activities at the New River Stadium which offered an authentic sporting experience to collect their House Points for some friendly competition. Congratulations to the winning house,  Hodgkin House! The scores are below:
Hodgkin: 1088 Lynch: 897
Tull: 972 Wakefield: 744

The KS1 and EYFS sesssion took place on the school field supported by some KS2 helpers. Lots of friends and family came along to support. The energy amongst children, staff and families made this special occasion very exciting indeed.  This event was a brilliant opportunity for children to showcase their athletic abilities and promote teamwork and they certainly achieved this.  
We look forward to another exciting sports day next year - watch this space!


Charlie the school dog had his 8th birthday. To celebrate we held a birthday card competition and children were invited to create homemade birthday cards. The results were amazing, and just as brilliant as those recently designed for the King's Coronation party. It's evident that Charlie has a very important role in our school especially as he received just as many cards as King Charles III. 

With the help of Ms Bates, Charlie chose his favourite cards from each class and got to spend some quality time being pampered by the winning designers. Charlie had a very special day filled with extra treats and lots of love and affection from so many caring children.


Our School Council had their final meeting of the academic year. Some reflection on their success throughout the year reminded us of some very important events: Mini Green Marathon, Eco Survey, School Grounds Litter Pick, Walk to School Week and Wildlife Walks. It has been a wonderful journey and everyone involved has made a pledge to continue their efforts to promote a healthy, green lifestyle. 

From September each class will re-elect new representatives to join the school council alongside a new Head Boy and Head Girl who have already started to write their statements for consideration by Ms D'Abreu.


In honour of King Charles III, the whole school came together for a very special coronation celebration. Children and adults dressed in red, white and blue, and upon their heads they wore beautifully decorated crowns. The party began with a lively lunch complete with a delicious coronation cake! Everyone spent the afternoon playing games and having fun with their friends and family. We closed our party by announcing the winning Coronation Cards selected from a huge variety of amazing designs. Thankyou to all staff and volunteers who came in to make this occasion so memorable and to everyone who donated towards £273.80 to fund the event.


Following her recent visit, Cllr Gina Adamou kindly invited the Year 3 - 5 School Council to attend a special tea party at the Mayor's Parlour.  The children were welcomed warmly and were eager to share their handmade coronation crowns during this very exciting opportunity. During their visit the children enjoyed a special tour of the Mayor's Parlour, they were able to ask questions about their experience and discuss the exciting events in celebration of the King's Coronation. Thankyou for having us, we very much look forward to your next visit.