The Devonshire Hill Times

Edition 59 September 2021

We are very excited to welcome back our families for the 2021/22 with our brand new newsletter layout which is more user friendly for your phone and can be translated via your chrome settings. We will be updating our photo data soon to ask permission show your child's face in pictures on this new newsletter - more information to follow. Read on for top stories from Summer 21 and some key dates for your diary.

For more important dates please visit the full school calendar on our website.


Some very excited Year 6 children set off to Pendarren for their residential trip this month. The week long stay will be full of exciting adventures within the beautiful Brecon Beacons of South Wales. The children will be joined and supported by Ms Georgiades, Ms Roksana and Mr Ellis. 


Haringey's deadline for secondary applications is drawing near. If your child is in Year 6 you must apply for your secondary placement by


For support with your application please see the list of virtual workshops above or speak with Mr Hilmi at the nearest opportunity. 


Disney Musicals in Schools is coming to Devonshire Hill! Year 5 will be working with Disney Teaching Artists and our very own DHPS Disney Team: Ms Darby, Ms Baker, Ms Georgiades and Ms Lefosse. Children will be working towards performing at two events in March 2022. Events will include a full in-school production and a co-starred production with four other schools at the Lyceum Theatre. Watch this space!


We were so excited to finally be able to officially invite our Year 3 parent/carers to see where all the Forest School magic happens. Thank you to all of those that came along it was lovely to see you enjoying the space as much as we do. If you missed the visit please get in touch.


Kidscape forms Aut 21.pdf

Do you work late? Are you looking for help with after school child care?

Kidscape provides an after school club service for the children at Devonshire Hill until 6:15pm. Currently children walk from Devonshire Hill (escorted by Kidscape staff) across to Risely Avenue School where they can enjoy a variety of exciting activities. With enough interest in this service we could introduce this service to take place at Devonshire Hill but will only be able to do this if enough children sign up. For more information please visit or speak to a member of the Devonshire Hill admin team.


The younger children are very excited about their new library. Over the summer we were able to create a cosy space for them to enjoy their reading experience. Please remember to support your child's reading every day at home. We ask that you take care of our school books and return them each week. The school book bags SALE is available in the Parent Mail shop.


Every Wednesday parent volunteers are back in action, preparing food parcels to support our families. Please keep sharing your stories of how the Felix Project has helped you. If you are able to return your used carrier bags for our next delivery please drop them into the white bin by the office.


The brand new Games Hub is here! Complete with Nintendo Switch and Foosball table. This room is exclusively for Games Club every Thursday 3.30-4.30pm with Mr Hilmi. There are still spaces available and you can sign up using the After School Club Form.


Achieving a silver or gold star award requires optimism and perseverance. A huge 'congratulations' to all children who were able to complete their Headteacher's Award for 2021, especially after such a challenging year. Star charts have reset from September which means new opportunities to start a fresh. Come to school every day with a positive attitude and focused mindset and you will produce outstanding work. Just 50 outstanding pieces of work across the year will lead to incredible projects for the 2022 Headteacher's Award.


At the end of Sumer Term a whole school vote took place to choose names for our new rabbits. We filmed the big reveal for our youtube channel so that everyone can see. Lola and Thunder have had a wonderful summer holiday eating lots of healthy vegetables and being cared for by Ms Mackay. They are now back in school and can't wait to meet everyone and give you all a little sniff to say hello. It's best not to drop in randomly to the rabbits as they might be sleeping. Your class teacher will inform you when it is your turn to visit.


Former Year 2 Sapphire Class have been awarded for participating in an eco competition. The project was organised by 'The Mall' in Wood Green and involved each class suggesting a name for the local shopping centre's new roof garden. The winning title 'Peaceful Green' was chosen to be placed on a plaque for everyone to see. The school was awarded £200 for their contribution, which children have decided to put towards a nature pond for fish, frogs and newts. See the full story in the local newspaper Tottenham Community Press p14.


Nursery parents/carers are invited to join us for a stay and play session on:
Wednesday 6th October
9- 9.45am or 2.15 - 3pm
If you are able to please do join your child's learning experience for a short session. 


We are now taking orders for Year 2 and Year 6 CGP study and practice books. These books are perfect for supporting your child's home learning in the run up to their SATs exams. Visit the Parent Mail app or visit the Office to order yours today.


Please be reminded of the school office opening hours:

8:00 am-9:30am

If you need to attend the school office for non urgent reasons, please do so within these times. Alternatively you can contact us by telephone or email using the details below. We thank you in advance for your co-operation