November 2022

Jackson Falls, Jackson, NH

Photo Credit: Judy Foley

Tips and Tricks

Using Google Appointment Scheduler

Video by: Kevin Kaufman, Technology Instructor and Coach at Dedham Middle School

Thanks Kevin for this great tip!

According to the Google Help Center, You can set up a block of appointments on your calendar that other people can reserve. For example, staff members can invite their students or parents to reserve time during the time they allocated for this purpose.

"Appointment slots are useful when you don't know who needs to meet with you, but you want to make yourself available. You can offer people a block of time on your calendar that they can book time slots within. For example, you can set aside 2 hours that you're available to meet with people in 30-minute slots. Others can then book one of the 30-minute slots within that time that works best for them." (Google Calendar Help).

For written information visit How to set up an appointment schedule by Google help.

Assistive Technology Tips

Fonts and Background Colors Affect Reading Performance

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Using Google Keep! Amazing Tool!

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Translation in Google Docs

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MassCue 2022 Presentation by:

Nicole Cassamassino

M Ed. Digital Learning Specialist


Amy Moskwa

M Ed. Digital Learning Specialist

603-471-1082 x25212


Accessibility for All: Putting the Pieces Together

Built in Chrome OS Accessibiltiy Features on a PC and Chromebook

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Google Workspace Updates