May 2022

Photo by Brian Foley 

Arlington Memorial Amphitheater, Washington, D.C

Google Workspace Updates

Tech Tips

Tip 1:  Are you tired of the Windows 10 pop up you get when you are trying to teach?  You can turn this off. 

Step 1: Right click at the bottom right of your PC screen.  

Step 2: Click on News and interests and Turn off.  

My First GIF to Demonstrate

Tip 2:  Using Screencastify to Make a GIF

Step 1:  Record using the Desktop option with the Microphone toggled off

Step 2:  Choose to record your Entire Screen or a Window

Step 3:  Export the GIF and then upload to Google Drive to share

Tip 3:  Google Workspace Maintenance

Get yourself in a great position for next year by starting some Google Workspace end of year maintenance!

End of Year Google Workspace Maintenance Recommendations

Tip 4:  Perform a Data Privacy Self Reflection and Audit

TLE Data Privacy Self Audit

Professional Development Opportunities