December 2018


Join our monthly Twitter Chats!

November 2018 Twitter Chat

What is it? by Wendy Garland, LMS, Avery Elementary School

PD in your PJs!

A Twitter chat is a live discussion about a predetermined topic (Building a Professional Learning Network (PLN) on 12/11 at 7:30-8:00pm).

Feel free to wear whatever you would like - pajama pants and slippers are very professional for this venue. Eat your dinner, sip a beverage of your choice, jump in and out of the conversation as you put the kids to bed or cook your dinner. This is an opportunity to chat with each other (and others who have heard of our discussion topic) and share best practices. This is time to learn and grow!

What do I need to do?

Before the chat

  1. Create a Twitter account
  2. Go to and login with your Twitter handle (My handle is @dancelibrarian)
  3. Enter the hashtag of the event (#DedhamPSEdTech)

During the chat

Respond to the questions with A1 for question 1, A2 for question 2, etc. The questions will be posed as Q1, Q2, etc.


Q3 How do you connect with these networks?

A3: I use Twitter to connect with educators all over the globe. I also use the app Voxer to connect with a smaller group of educators.

  1. Remember to add the hashtag #DedhamPSEdTech to your response
  2. “Like” responses you may want to investigate more and revisit.
  3. Respond to others

After the chat

  1. Think about the learning you did
  2. Investigate ideas you learned about
  3. Continue the conversation (optional)
  4. Share your learning (optional but so worthwhile)