Killarney National Park

Killarney, Co Kerry, Ireland

Photo by Judy Foley

March 2021

Google Workspace Updates -- Focusing on Meet

MassCue 2021 Takeaways

Key Takeaways

Judy Foley

The MassCue 2021 virtual conference was outstanding this year. There were so many options to choose from. I attended 19 sessions over 3 days and evenings. I can understand why students get screen fatique! Below are links to a few of my favorites presentations.

Teach Less, Learn More: Feedback Tools That Motivate Learners

Presentation by Mary Lou Buell, Technology Integration Specialist, Weymouth Public Schools

Feedback is an important way to connect with students. Currently, students are struggling to meet with success and be engaged in this “unusual classroom environment”. Feedback provides an opportunity for personal attention; it builds positive relationships resulting increased feelings of self worth. But, not all feedback is equal or helpful. Some feedback has a negative impact on learning. How can we provide positive feedback? One way is to score on a consistent and agreed upon basis using consistent rubrics. If the feedback is successfully used, students are more likely to feel positive and will react positively. Are there things we can do to use the feedback to increase student effectiveness?

    • Use Google forms for correct and incorrect answers. If students get correct answers you can challenge them more. If students get incorrect answers you can provide reinforcing supports. Here's a video showing you how to include logic in Google forms.

    • Use constructive peer feedback. Students can also give themselves reflective feedback.

    • Use Google version history, suggestions and comments. Here's a video, by Tricia Rocha, regarding uinsg feedback in Google docs.

    • Use video tools for personal verb feedback. Products, Flipgrid, Screencasting, the Read/Write ext.

    • Use Google Keep for digital sticks and Gifs for fun feedback.

    • Use "reveals" in slides or Jamboards to reveal the answer, by "magic".

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Shifting Practice: Maximizing Student Achievement Through Collaboration

Presentation by Jess Brittingham and Jen Thomas Dartmouth High School

The activities and outcome of each of the projects, contained in the presentation, focus on 10 future skills. The results of using this teaching strategy was the activities were relevant and connected to these skill sets. The presenters shared their journey as they transformed their projects to embrass these skills making the student outcomes more relevant.

Shifting Practice - MassCUE Conference 2021

Make Math Googley

Presentation by Mandy Tolen

Mandy shared an enormous amount of resources in this presentation. She kindly made the shared documents templates so you can make your own copy. There are many ideas in this presentation that could be modified for other content areas. Mandy's buffet includes: Drag and Drop, Make an App, Digital Skills Practice, Explain Your Thinking, Exit Tickets, Create Content, Feedback, Math Supplies, Stop Motion, Choose Your Own Adventure, Differentiation, Collaborative Slides, Comics, MathSnaps, Game-based Learning, Electronic Foldables, Get out of your Seat and Move, Student Data Tracking, Interactive sheets, Digital Escape Rooms, Chrome Extensions. Have fun exploring.

Make Math Googley - MassCUE

Be a Caption Captain! Using Captions for ALL in Video Content

Presentation by Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles, PhD. ATP

Closed captioning is an important step to make video content accessible for all learners. According to the presenter, Hillary Goldthwait-Fowles, PhD. ATP, captioning and subtitles also help strengthen reading skills:

  • Reading speed and fluency

  • Word knowledge

  • Decoding

  • Vocabulary acquisition

  • Word recognition

  • Reading comprehension

  • Oral reading rates

Closed captioning is embedded as a feature in many product such as Flipgrid, Book Creator, YouTube. EdPuzzle, Clips, Google Slides. These are resources supports for closed captioning: ScreencastOmatic | YouTube | Closed Captioning in Google Drive | Screencastify | Flipgrid | Clips

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Translation Tips

Did you know.....

You can tranlate an email? On the right upper corner of the email, there are three vertical dots (the stop light, in technical terms). Click on the three dots, choose translate message and the option to translate will appear in the email.