February 2021

Photo by Judy Foley

Salidas de Maras, 25 Miles North of Cusco Peru

"A collection of 3,000 salt ponds created by the Incas in the 1400s." Inside Peru's Lesser-Known Inca Wonder. (n.d.). Departures. Retrieved January 4, 2021, from ttps://www.departures.com/travel/tour-peru-maras-salt-flats.

Family Access Support Pages

Spotlight on Education

Maureen Blazejewski, Avery Elementary, Special Education Teacher shared some resources related to some of the information that Jessica Minihan, MEd, BCBA, shared during the January 6, 2021 professsional day. The folder has a lot of printables, and a few digital resources, to have on hand for kids who need to change the channel in their brain when unhelpful thoughts are invading. Thank you Maureen for sharing!

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Accommodations for all Learners Site

This page was developed to assist teachers in finding digital tools to help support learners in need of accommodations. We believe by providing students will these tools we are empowering them to find success and achieve life-long learning goals. We hope that you will join us in this mission by helping us add to this page by sharing any digital tool you may use in the class to support students with learning differences. If you would like to contribute, simple complete the form on this page.

Google Information

Jamboard Tricks and Tips by Meredith Akers