September 2021

White Mountains, Bartlett, NH

Photo by Judy Foley


During 2020-2021 Dedham Staff created 13,572 videos using Screencastify!

During 2020-2021 Dedham Students created 4,772 videos using Screencastify!

We have the Screencastify Premium subscription all staff and students in the district.

What is Screen recording and why should I use one? Screen recording tools are great for asynchronous learning. Using prerecorded video instruction makes it easy to show and explain information visually. For example, you can open a Google Slide presentation and record yourself explaining the information and share this through a variety of GSuite applications, including Google Classroom. Google Slides also has a closed captioning feature for video and audio support. The Screencastify extension has been added for teachers.

Students can also add the extension by searching the Chromestore and adding to their Chrome extension toolbar. It will appear on the top right of your screen when you are logged into the Chrome browser. Students can explain their thinking or present their ideas are great way to implement Universal Design for Learning.

Want to learn more? Check out the Screencastify Certification Courses.

Lunch with Screencastify - Screencastify holds daily office hours from 12-1 CT to help get teachers started with Screencastify. Signup for help logging in, finding the extension, and/or getting started with their first screencast. (

Or you can always contact your school service department!,,

🍐 Pear Deck

What is Pear Deck? You use Pear Deck slides within Google Slides. The Pear Deck feature makes the slides interactive. The teacher can decide to use student paced or teacher paced Pear Decks.

Dedham Public Schools has a Premium subscription Available for Teachers Grades 6-12. Elementary teachers are welcome to use the free version . We do have a signed privacy agreement, so it's safe to use with students.

MS and HS Professional Development from Peardeck. Must be logged into your Dedham Email to review the PD.

Dedham MS & HS STAFF ONLY PD.mp4

🍐 Pear Deck Samples by Brenda Hagen, former Department Head of English, DPS

Vocabulary List #1 -SlideShow PEARDECK
Peardeck - Lesson 3 F451 (Historical Context and Author)
Hairs, Boys and Girls, My Name
Gatsby Sample Essay Walkthrough
Gatsby Chapter 5 - Subtext and Significant Passages
Gatsby Chapter 8 Discussion


What is EdPuzzle?

Teachers using EdPuzzle can insert questions into precreated videos. The process is simple - find a video, add questions and assign it to your class or send out a video link.

We have a subsciption for grades 6-12. Please contact Judy Foley for more information.