

The Main Idea

At a higher level, the Wall Follower algorithm consists of these four simple steps:

    1. If you can turn left, do it.

    2. Else (if you can’t turn left), if you can continue going straight, just go straight.

    3. Else (if you can’t do either of the previous steps), if you can turn right, do it.

    4. If you reached a dead end, turn back by turning around (in either direction) 180 degrees.(節錄自Sparki lessons -Maze Solving


  1. Hands-on Activity: Maze Challenge

  2. Sparki lessons -Maze Solving

  3. Wikipedia Maze solving algorithm

  4. Youtube:SFU MSE 110 EV3 Maze Solver

  5. Youtube:Lego Mindstorms Maze Navigator

  6. Youtube:NXT Robot Lego Mindstorms Maze Challenge

  7. Youtube:LEGO Mindstorms Maze Solver

  8. Youtube:Kirk on Robot Maze Solving - AHRC

  9. Maze Solver Robot, Using Artificial Intelligence With Arduino

    1. Mazes for Lego MindStorms Robots(各種不同的迷宮建置類型)