CMCSS Special Education Manual 

Welcome to the CMCSS Special Education Manual site. Please check this site often for updates. The Special Populations team is here to support you, so please let us know if you have questions or concerns. You will find a complete list of contacts in the Contact Information section of this site. 

Have a wonderful school year! 

Special Populations Leadership Team

Table of Contents

Contact Information

Beginning of the Year Procedures

End of the Year Procedures


Special Education Records

Outside Service Providers

Language Interpreter/Translation

Referral/Request for Initial Evaluation

Initial Evaluation Process

Evaluation Timeline Extension Requests

Reevaluation Process

Eligibility for Alternate Assessment

Transfer Students

Private and Home School Students

Independent Educational Evaluations

Enrollment/Import Process into TN Pulse

48 Hr Draft IEP Rule

IEP Process


Present Levels

Goals and Objectives


Services and Supplemental Aids

Continuum of Services

Gifted Services

Related Services

Supplemental Aids

Special Transportation Requests

Assistive Technology

LRE Statement

ESY Determination



Logging Contacts

Documentation of IEP Review

Transition Services

CMCSS Grade Level Transition Process

Progress Reports

Medicaid Reimbursement

Invitation to a Meeting

Prior Written Notice

Parent or Student Consent

Dispute Resolution

Surrogate Parents

Least Restrictive Environment

Manifestation Determination

Change of Placement

Alternative School

Behavior Consultant Contact Information

Positive Behavior Plan

FBAs and BIPs

FBA&BIP Template

Certified Restraint Training Team

Restraint Law

Restraint Documentation Procedures

Preschool Services

Parent Referrals

TEIS Transitions

ECO Ages 3-5

EC Environments


Related Services

Assistive Technology

Progress Monitoring