Behavior Consultant Contact Information

Teacher Protocol to Request Behavior Consultant Support

  • Teachers have the functionality in the Behavior Consultant Referral Application, located on ClassLink, to request a consult or a transfer (out of district) consultation from the school’s assigned BC. When these types of requests are submitted, the app will automatically copy the submission receipt to the school's administrator.

    • A consult or transfer consult involves reviewing existing documents, suggesting effective strategies and data collection methods based on documents and teacher provided information, or giving guidance about procedures.

  • If a teacher or team needs a student observation or more intensive supports, then the school’s administrator will submit the request for a standard or extreme behavior referral on the BC referral application.

  • After the BC receives any type of referral they will contact appropriate school team members to schedule consultation and/or send a Teacher Input Form.

Admin Protocol for Behavior Consultant Referral

  • When an administrator deems a teacher’s or case manager’s request for student observation/more intensive Behavior Consultant support appropriate, they will submit a standard or extreme behavior referral on the BC referral application, again found in ClassLink.

  • The BC will send the appropriate school team members a Teacher Input Form to gather more information about the student.

  • BC will then schedule observation times and begin providing ongoing support for the student’s team.

  • BC will log services provided in the BC Referral App and the notes will be viewable to the referring administrator.

  • If the student requires additional support beyond the scope of the assigned BC, then the assigned BC will go through the Leveled Float Process with their team to determine and schedule next steps.