Alternative School

IEP Meeting Guidelines for Students in Alternative School (Middle/High)

Annual IEPs:

1) Annual IEPs which come due while a student is being served in the Alternative School will be held at the home school. 

2) The home school case manager will remain the same and will be responsible for setting the meeting, as well as inviting the Special Education representative from the Alternative School (That does not mean the representative must attend; however, the invite is a notification that the meeting is to take place and collaboration will be necessary).  The case manager should also invite the parents and the student to attend the meeting at the home school.   

3) Once the meeting has been scheduled, the Alternative School staff and home school case manager will be responsible for collaborating to develop a comprehensive present level of performance and appropriate goals for the annual IEP.  


1) When the student arrives at Alternative School, the Alternative School special education representative will complete the addendum to change services.  The home school case manager will remain on the team as the case manager.

2) The Alternative School special education representative will communicate the approximate date of return to the home school for the purposes of informing the case manager to schedule the addendum meeting.

3) When the home school is notified about the student’s approximate return date, the home school case manager will be responsible for sending the 10-day notice for return and drafting the addendum. The date of the meeting will be the projected return date, with the meeting held at the home school.

4) If the child’s return date changes due to absences or other reasons, the home school case manager will notify the team, including the parent, that the meeting will need to be rescheduled. They will contact the parents with the following information:

“Your child __________ will no longer be returning from Alternative School to their home school on _______ date due to ___________. We will need to hold the previously scheduled IEP meeting to complete the addendum on the day of your child’s actual return.  In order to meet that day, we will ask that you sign a waiver of your required 10-day notice. If you are unwilling to waive your 10-day notice, we will give you notice of the addendum meeting on the morning of your child’s return and hold the addendum meeting 10 days following.”  

*If you use a 10-day waiver, it will need to be uploaded to EdPlan along with the signature pages.     

5) Functional behavior assessments, including the student’s behavior plan, will be reviewed during the addendums to match services available in each setting. 


All reevaluations will be held at the home school and will follow the same guidelines as they are written in the “Annual IEPs” section.

Additional Information: 

-Please contact the Alternative School to determine whether they will be able to provide a General Education Teacher or if this will need to be provided by the home school. 

-Please ensure access is given to the students Behavior Plan if it is in Google Workbooks (access can be given to either Ashley C. Martin or Tammy Cruz)

-For students with Special Transportation already on their IEP, the home school team is responsible for submitting an updated Special Transportation Request to reflect the new placement/school and alert the receiving placement/school that a request has been submitted. 

-Remember to change the LRE statement at the change of placement addendum to reflect the student returning to their home school from Alternative School.

-Alternative School is to progress monitor, but they are not able to schedule students for progress monitoring.